Youtuber Reveals That Shovel Knight is Actually in 3D

3DS, Culture, Originals, PC, PS Vita, PS4, Shovel Knight, Switch, Wii U, Xbox One, Yacht Club Games

Boundary Break is definitely one of my favorite YouTube channels. If you are unaware of the channel, Boundary Break does exactly what it sounds like, break the boundaries of your favorite games to show what is going on behind the scenes. The latest episode dove right into one of my favorite games ever made, Shovel Knight. While the episode contained many interesting aspects about the game, definitely the best one happened to be that Shovel Knight and its DLC are actually built in a 3D engine.

In a special episode, Boundary Break worked closely with Yacht Club Games to take viewers behind the scenes of the Shovel Knight series. David D’Angelo, one of the game’s developers, explained that the reason that the games built in 3D were because the engine was actually built before they knew exactly what they were going to make. They knew they wanted to make a 2D game, but, by having the engine in 3D, it gave Yacht Club Games more options, made development much easier, and was able to bring the game to multiple consoles.

You can watch the special episode of Boundary Break below. If you have the time, make sure to check out some of the other videos on the channel. They have everything from Super Mario 64 to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I am willing to bet that Boundary Break has covered your favorite title at least once. Probably even twice.

Shovel Knight is currently available across almost every platform you can think of.

The post Youtuber Reveals That Shovel Knight is Actually in 3D by Grant Huff appeared first on DualShockers.

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