On a recent episode of Umasugi Wave, Super Robot Wars Producer Takanobu Terada revealed that Super Robot Wars T’s Asian versions are selling very well, even more than the Japanese version. Producer Terada cited Taiwan, Hong Kong, and South Korea as the countries where the game is selling the most in Asia. He thanked the fans and added that Super Robot Wars T is the biggest overseas success in the franchise’s history. Needless to say, fans outside Asia are buying the Asian versions as well, contributing to the game’s success.
Umasugi Wave is Super Robot Wars‘ radio show, published every Tuesdays on Lantis’ YouTube channel. The Super Robot Wars main series has been receiving Asian releases with translations in English, Korean and Chinese starting Super Robot Wars V released in 2017. Super Robot Wars T is the third main game receiving the same treatment.
The English translation, the appealing series list, and the overall high quality of the game explain Super Robot Wars T‘s success. True, SRW T partly recycles certain animations from past games, but this is an understandable compromise so that nearly every mecha unit in the game has gorgeous animation. Moreover, through its story, characters, or voice acting, anyone can feel while playing it than an incredible amount of work was put into it. According to seiyuu Tomokazu Sugita, the game’s success is also thanks to the huge amount of “cool old guys” characters included in the game, and how even side-characters like the Eldora Team from Gun x Sword have a lot of lines.
Super Robot Wars V sold over 500,000 copies and won the 2018 Playstation Awards Gold Prize. Seeing Super Robot Wars T‘s performance only a month after launch, it’s highly possible it will surpass 500,000 copies as well.
Super Robot Wars T is available on PS4 and Switch. A demo is now available on the Asian PS Store. The demo is only available in Japanese on Switch.
Designer Hidetaka Tenjin commented his work on SRW T. Producer Terada also recently revealed abandoned ideas for a Super Robot Wars game project and hinted at what might be coming one day.
The post Super Robot Wars T Has The Highest Overseas Sales For The Series Yet; Trial Version Launches by Iyane Agossah appeared first on DualShockers.