The copyright for the Croft photograph is owned by Robert Croft. As Burgini exclaims throughout the interview, neither group was aware of the other groups activity that weekend,nor were they intended to be. In addition to this interview, Hornes analysis may be read here. Zapruder said that he had a nightmare about President's head exploding. commissioned U.S.M.C.R. This offers stagecraft clues as to how honest officials to this day can be manipulated though the use of acompartmentalized operation with a few moles inserted between. ): Incredibly, in 2021, nearly 58 years after the assassination, Consider the distance between Jackies right hand and the left handhold grasped by Clint Hill. again explicitly refuted after On Thursday, March 24, 2011, I happened to be in Vancouver, British Columbia. He filmed from the time the presidential limousine turned onto Elm Street for a total of 26.6 seconds, exposing 486 frames of standard 8 mm Kodachrome II safety film, running at 18.3 frames/second. At one time, DeMohrenschildt actually was engaged to be married to Jackies mothers sister, (Jackies aunt), Michelle. Soon after County Sheriff Howard Stegall arrived, he decreed that Marshall had committed suicide. And in real life, as demonstrated by the chart from the Military Armament Corporation, there are also manifold opportunities for fabrication and distortion. Mantik bolsters his argument with his anatomical analysis of the Harper fragment, demonstrating that the bone fragment found on Elm Street was from the mid-occipital region, squarely in the back of JFK's head, blown out of the back of JFK's skull by an oblique shot from the right front. Many people see the Zapruder film and point to the president being forced to the back and to the left and believe it supports a shot coming from the grassy knoll. To the west of Willis, about three seconds later, Associated Press photographer James W. Altgens also took a photo of the motorcade., The War on Islam: 9/11 Revisited, Uncovered & Exposed, The Hidden World of Benjamin Disraeli, a Made Man and Opportunist, William Mellon Hitchcock: Bon Vivant Who Helped Bankroll the LSD Counterculture, The Foundations Fund the Hack Abraham Flexner to Standardize Medicine, Robert Phoenix and Russ Winter Reveal the True Hidden History of the Dreyfus Affair, Robert Phoenix and Russ Winter Skewer the Architects Of Dystopia, Monthly Sane Asylum with Focus on the Nature of Black on White Threat, Podcast: Tim Kelly, Russ Winter Examine the Widely Ignored Assassinations of McKinley, Patton and Forrestal, Robert Phoenix and Russ Winter Expose the Neo-con Progenitors, Monthly Sane Asylum with Focus on the Off the Charts FTX Grift. Jacqueline Kennedy gave a plausible explanation during her testimony to the Warren Commission: You know, there is always noise in a motorcade and there are always motorcycles besides us, a lot of them backfiring. DEATH IN DALLAS: Frame by frame - Winnipeg Free Press Today, I wish to focus on these crucial frames, because they seem to have everything to do with LBJs car and the Secret Service follow up car, a yellow 1964 Ford Mercury 4-door sedan model 54A, nicknamed Varsity, driven by one Joe Henry Rich. After that he put a condition that the Frame 313 will not be made public. Zapruder Film of Kennedy Assassination: Directed by Abraham Zapruder. A new theory that determines how many Zapruder frames were deleted from the original Zapruder film during that day November 24, 1963 per the alteration discovered by Douglas Horne. A Texas Ranger artist, Thadd Johnson, drew a facial sketch based on a description given by Griffin. The camera acceleration at z157/158 appears to be an artifact of voluntary camera motions associated with typical panning/non-panning transitions on objects that are hard to track or have not yet picked up much angular velocity relative to the photographer. Noted retired Kodak film chemist Roland Zavada performed the one-man study. In September of 1976, George DeMohrenschildt was subjected to 9 electro-shock treatments at Parkland Hospital under the order given by one, Doctor DeLoach first cousin of FBI Assisstant Director Cartha D. Deke DeLoach. I dont know/recall if the WC ever attempted to explain how/where Oswald stored and then reassembled the rifle inside the TSBD on Nov 22. So if he really was the lone gunman, surely he would have already worked out somewhere to hide it in advance. Frame by Frame breakdown of the Zapruder Film With some various theories that have been presented. 1847.2005 Related Items A customer at the golf course had heard the shooting and managed to make a note of Wallaces license plate. Demonstrating what everyone has overlooked in the Zapruder film is the first aim of this article. The following frames are from John Costellas Zapruder film compilation, which corrects aspect ratio issues, pin cushion distortion, and other anomalies found in the extant Zapruder film. Orville Nix said that frames from the copy of his film are missing. If anyone cares to see why these gents reason it was just another staged shooting, here is a link to the works of both. Next, at the second event, an altered film was handed off toHomer A. McMahon, the former head of NPIC Color Lab, andMorgan Bennett Ben Hunter, McMahons assistant at that time. [Frame 314 of 8mm home movie of assassination of John F. Kennedy Each sniper is in a designated spot: Area of Deception (directly across from the Area of Certain Location), Area of Confusion (one on each side of the Area of Certain Location). There should be blood mist and blood spatter all over Jackie and the car and the the Secret Service guy who soon crawls up the back of the car. June 17, 2014 at 7:35 pm. about what they saw on Elm Street on that fateful day, NEW YORK . The undertaker, Manley Jones, also reported: To me it looked like murder. Jonathan. It is very possible Kennedy was killed or died from natural causes, it just did not happen on Elm Street on 11/22/1963. Estimated point at which Ike Altgens picture is shot [showing what appears to be Oswald in the SBD doorway, and an open window in the second floor Dal-Tex broom closet. Thanks for the link to the youtube video showing the Muchmore film and parts of Bobby Hargis's 1995 interview. The Two NPIC Zapruder Film Events: Signposts Pointing to the Film's Josefa took a keen interest in politics and helped her brother in his successful 1948 senatorial campaign. The right front lapel on Connallys suit flips up as the bullet passed through his chest. is why the videos are broken up into short clips. A Close Examination of the JFK Assassination Zapruder Film ), as well as with a more direct method [At this point, the positions of the two men, Kennedys leaning slightly forward, and the much taller Connally twisted to the right, with his hand in front of him, holding his hat at lower chest level, make it possible for a single bullet to enter Kennedys back, pass through his lower throat, into Connallys right back, glance downward off a rib, exit under his right nipple, and enter his left thigh coming to rest, drained of energy, just below the skin.]. Kennedy is waving to the crowd with his right hand. The alteration of an individual frame, Z155, with obvious manipulation of adjacent frames before and after, are highly indicative that something very fishy is going on here. There are also about 50 eyewitnesses who suggest the vehicle went into a rolling stop in the area behind this sign. It looks to be almost a foot. And some heard a shot for the first time when Kennedy was hit in the head, then they heard one or more shots afterward. published in November 2003. In 1967, film artist Bruce Conner incorporated the Zapruder film in his influential Report, a stirring montage of news footage and voiceovers from the day of the assassination. Again, I wish to thank Roy for pointing me in the right direction. In the podcast linked below, Horne clearly explains in some detail whats (now) known about the provenance/chain of custody for the Zapruder Film, including whether/where it was altered: MWN Episode 107 Douglas Horne on the Zapruder Film Alteration Debate. As Jonathan alluded to, frame by frame analysis . Zapruder film continues to resonate in era of social media, smartphones. Academic departments Zapruder film. About Connallys mouth opens wide and his body begins to react to the collapsed lung, drawing him down and to the right. (p.671), Motion pictures, when they were first sought to be introduced in evidence, were frequently objected to and sometimes excluded on the theory that they afforded manifold opportunities for fabrication and distortion. I used every frame 3x with different opacity to give the illusion of more frames available. Some of those were returned after being altered to conform to the narrative. A movie film is just a strip of little photos ("frames"). Before: Z-368, Z-369, Z-370, Z-371, Z-372, Z-373, Z-374. Brugioni was one of the first in the chain of custody of the Zapruder film. FBI Special Agent, Graham Kitchell states that he received a call from George Bush on 11-22-1963, and that George Bush (and his voice) were very familiar to him at that time. It was lying in the rear seat of the car There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of this head. Foliage blocks a School Book Depository snipers view of Kennedy (with a small break at 186), according to reconstructions (2.3 seconds). the fundamental evidence of Zapruder film fakery, Zapruder film - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia Kennedy's limousine has just turned onto Elm Street, moments before the first shot, and the President is apparently waving. Here we consider the viability of one specific claim of postproduction tampering in the Zapruder film. Only 26 seconds long, just 486 frames, the Zapruder film of Kennedy's . Abraham Zapruder, the most famous cinematographer in U.S. political history, was a Dallas dressmaker. senior law enforcement officials in the lead car, as well as motorcycle In my view, this provides some of the most compelling evidence yet that the murder of JFK was a coup dtat. Johnson interpreted this as a blackmail threat (Josefa had told Kinser about some of her brothers corrupt activities). "A 3-D Lighting and Shadow Analysis of the JFK Zapruder Film (Frame 317 Both McMahon and Hunter agreed that the prints mounted on the four briefing board panels (shown below) in the National Archives were indeed the prints they made the night of their NPIC event.McMahon stated that the prints had been trimmed down to a slightly smaller size for what they had printed. And that moment does not show on the Zapruder film. This kind of motion is grossly asymmetric relative to the front/back (sagittal plane), and is a large, A detailed shot timing analysis suggests that Goveror Connally's reaction at z162 does not appear to be consistent, from a reaction time standpoint, with a proposed shot causing a possible Zapruder camera jiggle at z158. as I describe in more detail REMEMBER! Incredibly, it wasnt until Aug. 1, 1998, that the Zapruder film was designated as an assassination record. A legal taking of the film was required in order to preserve it in perpetuity for the American people as part of the JFK Records Collection. Even today, the Zapruder film is seen as evidence in countless conspiracy theories about who shot the president. >long leather pouch disguised as curtain rods? This would contradict the Commissions central finding that JFK was killed by a single shooter. Winter Watch has spotted other red flags concerning TIME-LIFE that suggest it was a key deep-state Crime Syndicate operative during this era. Photo Analysis - Page 2 - The Education Forum So Johnson had Mac Wallace murder him. The following is Todd Vaughans schematic representation of that car, identifying the make, year, and occupants, including their relative positions: A detailed examination and isolation of frames Z153 through Z158 yields interesting results. WIA 3.10.1942 Guadalcanal Reaction times as a function of expectedness can be seen to range from just over 100ms to over 1100ms with a higher level of stimulus expectedness resulting in shorter voluntary reaction times. The question also begs: Why AbrahamZapruder? Brugioni revealed both in 2009 and 2011 that U.S. Navy Capt. (Go here for individual still frames from the entire extant film. at the time (around 2003), and Rich DellaRosa kindly uploaded to YouTube the These are physical even visceral connections he makes with the time JFKs head came apart. although he has speculated that he may have been in Port Au Prince, Haiti. Oddly enough, Jews have the copyrights to the videos of ALL terrorist attacks, mass shootings, assassinations, etc. on the day of the assassination in a TV interview, All 486 frames Because the quality of most of this film generally precluded analysis of facial expressions, primary emphasis was given to attempting to detect gross changes in body movements. She did grab brain matter. For more details, see an interactive calculation sheet. Connallys testimony that he first heard a loud noise and recognized it as a rifle shot and then instinctively turned his head to look over his shoulder (an implied startle reaction). Phillip Williss photograph showing Zapruder was shot here. Oh yeah, all youve got is condescension for any opinion other than yours and a loud mouth. Face and head reactions start within about 100 ms, then head/neck reactions become evident within 200-300 ms. and typically over within about second. Kennedys limousine was surrounded by nine motorcycle policemen: five in front, and four more close behind two on each side putt-putting away. Costella Combined Edit Frames (updated 2006) Click on a frame number below to view the corresponding frame of the film, or click here to download all 486 frames in a single ZIP file (119 MB). Olga Fehmer ALSO worked at Nardis of Dallas with Abraham Zapruder and Jean LeGon DeMohrenshildt. In 2006 I improved the processing steps and Kinser opened a golf course in Austin. Here are a few examples: Emmett Hudson, Dealey Plaza groundskeeper: He associates the second shot he heard with the head wound. Right, got it! Edited January 24, 2010 by Martin Hinrichs It is noticeable that his head moves some distance. Under this theory, a photograph is viewed merely as a graphic portrayal of oral testimony, and becomes admissible only when a witness has testified that it is a correct and accurate representation of the relevant facts personally observed by the witness. Peter Janney grew up in Washington, DC, during the 1950s and 1960s. It is hard to imagine a pyjama person coming away from attentive listening to this interview without an awakening. Another reference point is the moment a photographer takes a picture. But theres something else about this close view its so close you cant see exactly when Clint Hill first gets into the picture. The Shakespearean Tale of E. Howard Hunts JFK Assassination Confession,,,,,,, The first shot of the second two seemed as if it missed because the hair on the right side of his head flew forward and there didnt seem to be any impact against his head. The film clearly shows the back of the head to be clean. My favourite question of this type to teen-agers, is to ask about the claim that the USA travelled to the moon 9 times in 1968-72, with 3 fly-bys & 6 landings & no one going back ever since Sometimes the young people just laugh and sometimes its Wot, they said they went to the moon? Another thing you should know: Promoters of the lone assassin theory often stress the fact that one shot can sound like two. Tony Marsh's study of the images in the sprocket-hole area of the Zapruder film. I think I described it in my statement as though someone was shooting a revolver into a hard object it seemed to have some type of an echo. (YouTubeversion), Frames Z-001 to Z-257: Fixed camera pointing at the top of Elm Street His father was a high-ranking CIA official and a close friend of Richard Helms, James Jesus Angleton, and Marys husband, Cord Meyer. Most Front-Line Ukrainian Soldiers Killed Within 4 Hours, The Narut Revelations: Mind-Controlled Manchurian Candidates, Buttigiegs Derailment: NTSB Exposes East Palestine Claim as Misinformation, IRS is developing new Biden-backed algorithm thatll see more white and Asian people targeted for tax audits to boost racial equity. create a single panoramic image. However, even though the Zapruder film had the advantage of a Stemmons Freeway sign to obscure the event, it was also necessary to remove film frames to conform to the narrative, and that appears to be exactly what happened as shown below. She has worked as a creative editor at E.P. George DeMohrenschildt was business partners with Mohammed al Fayed and Clamar J. Charles in Haiti, while working for Clint Murchisons Haitian interests. Griffin claimed that on the day of Marshalls death, he had been asked by a stranger for directions to Marshalls farm. She has also co-authored numerous peer-reviewed articles for medical journals. Frame 313. To really know what happened in Dallas, Texas, 22 Nov. 1963, you need the help of some former MAGICIANS (CIA, FBI, SECRET SERVICE etc). When occurring after a startle they are sometimes referred to as voluntary secondary reactions. Main menu. Interesting the detail about spooky Mason Zapruder as useful Johnny-on-the-spot. The Zapruder film is considered to be the most complete recording of JFK's assassination. The little girl who is running next to the Car begins to turn to her right. 3,000-5,000 BELL helicopters were lost in Viet Nam and BELLs stockholders made a fortune replacing them. Zapruder film analysis still disputed - USA TODAY Woody Tells the Truth On SNL Actor met with ridicule and opposition from brainwashed journalists. In this essay, Cranor asks readers to consider whether there is a significant discrepancy between the Nix and Zapruder films of the assassination, and if this indicates tampering. A startling revelation in 2011the "head explosion" seen in the extant Zapruder film, in the National Archives today, is not at all consistent with the head explosion seen by Mr. Brugioni in the Zapruder film he viewed on the evening of November 23, 1963: During the follow-up interview at Dino Brugioni's home on April 28, 2011, Peter Janney showed Mr. Brugioni a good image of frame 313 . I cant imagine how you could not envision the typical reaction: -All manner of ad hominem attacks and insults (autocorrect wants that to read Eminem), -Factually incorrect and canned responses and the usual non-sequitors. Where are the Zapruder film equivalents to these frames? ), Dealey Plaza panorama, with gridlines, compass bearings, | [House Select Committee suggests that this is the point at which Kennedy was hit. Zapruder Film of Kennedy Assassination (Short 1970) - IMDb For Further Reading Report of the President's Commission on the. Its behind this sign that JFK appeared to be hit in the neck area and emerged grabbing his throat. Just 3 Freemasons active in Dallas 22 November 1963. Let me put it this way: I would not be surprised either way if it is/not mentioned in the Warren Report, the one volume summary but I would be very surprised if the matter is not addressed anywhere in the 26 volumes of testimony and exhibits, since where he put the rifle that day and when/where he reassembled it is obviously of interest. Teaching less of everything these days There is a huge crater where his forehead used to be, through which we can again see his wife. His head lurches back to the left (8.0-8.4 seconds after the first shot) as his body stiffens suddenly from the massive neurological damage, and possibly aggravated by his back brace, or, if you wish, studies have also shown that the head flying back and to the left is also possible because of the matter ejected by the right side of his head exploding in a simple Newtonian happening. Who shot JFK, Part 4: Zapruder film captures gunshots in Dealey Plaza Connally told the Warren Commission that this was when he remembered being hit. He had been shot five times with his own rifle. Massingham May 1944 Further analysis should be conducted on the exact timing and probable reason why the first shot missed before frame z133. His rifle lay beside him. Hunt, & Demitri Von Mohrenschildt (George Ds brother). The six fragments removed from Connally would have weighed not more than 1.5 grains all together. ) It had to be added to selected Zapruder film framesto match the illicit post-mortem cranial surgery at Bethesda that was being misrepresented in the autopsy photos as damage from the assassins bullet.In addition to painting on a false wound, of course, the forgers at Hawkeyeworks would have had to obscure black out the real exit wound, in the right rear of JFKs head, that was seen in Trauma Room One at Parkland Hospital. And, he says, when he mounted the car the sound of that shot was different from the earlier one. Bernard Birnbaumwas the Jewish producer of the documentary for CBS, as was CBS president William Paley. Assistant G-2,Amphibuos Force Pacific (Major) In 2006 I created seven stabilized HD versions of the Zapruder film, Because the Zapruder film is only 27 seconds long, less than 500 photos needed to . Knowing his footage might prove valuable in a government investigation, Zapruder developed the 486-frame film and screened it for the Secret Service the following day. His film was the crucial piece of evidence that led the Warren Commission to conclude that Lee Harvey. JOHN KINSER & JOSEFA JOHNSON Homer McMahon vividly remembered that the customer at NPIC that night was asingle Secret Service agent named Bill Smith. Yes Agent Smith, you cant make this stuff up. People will believe what they want to believe, especially if it furthers ones leanings. Barbara Bush stated he was in Tyler, TX. I guess there was a noise, but it didnt seem like any different noise really because there is so much noise, motorcycles and things. An empty void where Johnson should be: Frame Z158 shows all inter sprocket data once again: To recapitulate, here is a short animated gif, showing how the frames interact with one another, and how the inter sprocket areas change in an irregular manner . Under his signature is that of CIA asset, Jane Roman. Im referring to Clint Hill, the man who jumped onto the trunk of the limousine to protect Jackie Kennedy who had gone out onto the trunk of the car. Mr. Brugioni was quite startled to find out that this was theonly framegraphically depicting the head explosion in the extant film, which the National Archives has characterized as the original film.He insisted that the head explosion he viewed multiple times on Nov. 23, 1963, was of such a great size and duration (in terms of time) that there should bemany more frames depicting that explosionthan just the one frame (frame 313), as shown in the Zapruder film today. The blood mistake - John Costella And he associates a third shot with the way it sounded as he lay on the ground. By National ENQUIRER Staff. A third amateur film of the assassination, taken by Marie Muchmore, only shows Hill getting off the follow-up car and making a run for the Kennedys car. of the Zapruder film. May 9, 2018 @ 9:54AM. The Zapruder film is considered to be the most complete recording of JFK's assassination. Un-enhanced high-resolution digital copies of Zapruder Film Frames 312 This is supported by the fact that his arms are locked into position until 313] (1/10-2/10 of a second after 223-4) Connallys hat (held in his right hand) begins to move in a reflex response to his radius bone being broken), Kennedys torso pitches forward suddenly (to 231). Its always puzzled me that Oswald would have left his rifle where it could easily be found in the snipers nest.
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