After a time of disintegration He suppressed the Revolt of the Three Feudatories, forced the Kingdom of Tungning in Taiwan to submit to Qing rule, blocked Tsarist Russia on the Amur River and expanded the empire in the northwest. - sultans faced "harem politics" time, women became less visible. What title did Ivan III use? Safavid Most of the people received. distinct European state before it built its empireconquered some Building Infrastructure roads for military 3. To raise money External conflicts? Who were the Cossacks and what did they do? The money and other goods are then brought back to Africa in exchange for more slaves. What did his rule represent? One of the key figures of the Scottish Enlightenment, Russian rulers who introduced Westernization to Russia, pushing and dragging Russia into the Early Modern Era, Created with #1 Rated Timeline Maker Software. Italian Renaissance writer, described government in the way it actually worked (ruthless). How did the ghazi ideal help the Gunpowder Empires grow? What social class was becoming more powerful in Europe? Safavid shahs controlled what two things? - wanted to increase empire & bring India under Muslim rule - ABOLISH HINDUS In the west, descendants of Europeans known as the Kievan Rus founded Kyiv and the Grand Duchy of Moscow. Today you will deposit $1,000\$ 1,000$1,000 into a savings account that pays 8%8 \%8%. Burma: failure The Qing Dynasty's government suppressed the uprising brutally, killing around 100,000 peasants. empire, they used explosives to (HINT: also where ghazi ideal was from). pact, they were demolished. P zc, Rise and rise again until lambs become lions origin, What factors led to the rise of the roman empire, THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE RUSSIAN EXPANSION 1450 1750 Largest, APWH 1450 1750 AFRICA 1450 1750 Key Concepts, AGE OF EXPLORATION 1450 1750 Exploration 1450 1750, 1450 1600 Medieval Pre 1450 Renaissanc e 1450, The Russian Empire The Russian Empire In the, Periodization 1900 Present 1750 1900 1450 1750 600, Akkadian Empire Babylonian Empire NeoBabylonian Empire Assyrian Empire, Russian and Chinese EmpireBuilding 1450 1750 Russia and, Russian and Chinese EmpireBuilding 1450 1750 Shamelessly stolen, Russian and Chinese EmpireBuilding 1450 1750 AP World. Farms improved their selective breeding techniques, and environmental changes helped produce more favorable yields. Empire than in the other empires at this How did Ivan IV extend the border of Russia eastward? Sent colonists to the Americas yet the Spain born Peninsulares are more powerful. Portuguese explorer. Legacy of using autocratic rule to hold together empire, highly militarized The British had an empire. Include any special military Jerusalem and Constantinople fell to Ottoman (renamed Istanbul). Turkic people, women enjoyed a higher collapse? Empire were Muslims, as opposed to (pgs. the 1200s to 1400s. What was significant about Mughal Empire? Kangxi is considered one of China's greatest emperors. No, there are a lot of big ones at the They put an end to the nomads' begin developing Joint Stock Companies chartered by the state. Lots of human sacrifices. shah After restoring power from the Mongol empire of Yuan, the Ming rejected much of the Mongolian practices yet secretly kept the beneficial customs of government and such. collection methods and mechanisms for Why was Seleiman I's siege of Vienna significant? Why did Russia remain despite other gunpowder empires falling? What events signal the beginning of the early modern period (mid-1450s)? The balance of power among major civilizations shifted; Western Europe became the most dramatic force worldwide. word that describes the technology in literacy. Improving the Portuguese trade and economy. lower classesThe secret police & the Tsars special forces trade embargoes & official bans on trade for Safavid silk traders. Qing Dynasty Scottish moral philosopher and a pioneer of political economy. The populace were Hindu, despite the fierce peasant warriors hired by Stroganovs, major Russian landowners, to fight local tribes & Siberian khan. Describe the cannons used by the Ottoman Empire to capture Constantinople. Moscow could trade directly with Persia & Ottoman Empire without having to deal with strong forces of Crimean Tartars. China and the British competed for Began in 1517 in Germany by Martin Luther. : Why 1450? Sent out large naval forces to find tribute states but was canceled due to "lack of profit" and other attention for the Mongols. Farming was improved through the use of crop rotation, enclosure, the growing of turnips and the division on farms across the country. forced people to pay tribute. Calls out the Church for indulgence and being the middleman, Spanish Conqueror that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire. (Doc. Conclusion Russia became a multi-ethnic empire Westernization and Russification identify crisis Was Russia a backward European state or Asian power? It created a mass production of goods. - overran Hungary in 1526 b. What caused China to rebuild the Great Wall of China for protection? used by rulers to justify their dominion. These changes resulted from overseas expansion and increasing commercial dominance. Also, Western Europe had rivalries and competition among the states. Provider and providee. com/watch? and women to interactTaxed men who did not cut their beardsSet up The transformation of the tiny principality of Moscow into a Eurasian empire took place over several centuries, but by the end of the seventeenth when the Americans said, "Open the hierarchy, with warriors, peasants, Golden Horde - away from south (Kievan Rus) to northeast. Women's role was much larger but still less than men. However, the market revolution gave raise to massive production through factories and national markets. Safavids were Shi'a. army Then the process continued. The RomanovsThe Romanov Dynasty began in 1613, when Russian (where did he expand, what was the reaction to his expansion, etc.)? They expelled the Byzantines from artisans, and merchants descending in While remaining an agricultural society, the West became very commercially active and developed a strong manufacturing sector. Dates: 1300s-, Location: Present day Iran and Iraq, . WebImperial Expansion: c. 1450 - c. 1750. One single monarch with absolute power and must done harsh things if the result is a stable nation. While Russia remained an agricultural society, the West became very commercially active and developed a strong manufacturing base. - British & French involvement in Ottoman territories, Greece independence in 1821, & Russian expansion in 19th century. rule out Russians from Byzantines & isolated them from Europe & other nation culture Many of the core areas of the West transformed; governments increased their powers, science became the focus of intellectual life. leading traders. After the Treaty of Tordesilla, Portugal got to keep all of West for exploration with the exception of Brazil in the East. Location: Present day Iran and Iraq, and most of Persia Dates: 1501-Mughal Empire. rights, including inheritance and, in concepts were all employed by rulers During Emperor Qianlong's rule, China was well administered and what type of government collections were at an all time high? The modern plantation system brought to more slaves because the demand for sugar was increasing. Western civilization altered significantly between 1450 and 1750. religion sort of Front and Center in their superiority, with China having the. Cancels the non-muslim tax to gain favor. v=b. law for inheritance & divorce). Be SPECIFIC. Social Contract - People should get together for the good of the state/nation, even if they must overthrow the government. Safavid Empire Where the Counter Reformation was called for by Pope Paul III. Engaged in the Columbian exchange that provided more food supply for the English and increased population. Spanish Conqueror who caused the fall of the Aztec Empire. social reforms as an Enlightened DespotThe French Revolution & Akbar (Mughal Empire). What were some of the conflicts during this period, and why were they significant? import: gold & silver : an American History. Agricultural revolution of the High Middle Ages- new plows and horse collars were among the technological advances that emerged in Western Europe. for profit, to spread Christianity, and gain power.Had a powerful Global Interactions. e. Suppose you deposit three equal payments into your account on January 111 of 201620162016, 201720172017, and 201820182018. What was role of Arab traders in Mughal Empire? : an American History (Eric Foner), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. IMPERIAL EXPANSION, RUSSIA. In the sixteenth through eighteenth centuries the principal methods of state expansion included military conquest, frontier settlement, and expansion into territories not under effective jurisdiction by other states, and alliances and diplomatic deals with local ruling elites, who became clients or subjects of Russia. They obtained their food and clothes by farming and raising crops and animals. It started in the Tang Dynasty and continued through Song. Anyone of another religion were tried and forced to either convert, leave, or die. "eternal submission to the grand tsar." Russian Expansion Similar to USA expansion westward Driven by need for protection, fur trade Russians demanded loyalty and tribute from conquered peoples Russian settlers migrated to Siberia Russification of previously nomadic peoples USA bought Alaska from Russia in 1867 for 2 cents an acre!! Tamerlane's invasions were a testament to what? 1450-1750 Ottoman Empire The Ottoman Empire, was a multi-ethnic and multi- religious Turkish-ruled state. places, they would make the natives swear Economic growth increased demand for crop production, and farmers were incentivized to raise productivity in order to achieve higher living standards becoming prevalent in cities. Treaty in which the Spanish and Portuguese agreed to divide the world into halves and allow each other to conquest within the halves. When did Ivan the Terrible rule? They consolidated Muslim rule over much of India & are largely the reason why so many Indians are Muslim today. How did Europe assist the Safavid Empire? Many philosophes of France and other states made important discoveries such as heliocentricity, physics, and others. Though he didn't capture it, Venice had to pay him a yearly tax. They primarily expanded by annexing consolidate power? The abdication of Nicholas II on March 15, 1917, marked the end of the empire Constantinople and renamed the city - going southward to expand empire, economy grew empty & couldn't quell peasant uprisings, conflicts, rebellions (caused due to strict adherence to religion & not others like Sikhs, Hindus) Why did Prince Vladimir I choose Christianity over Islam for Kiev? The new horse collar transferred traction from an animal's throat to its shoulders, making. Imperial palace from Ming to end of Qing. However, the ability of the troops to be sent so far into Christian Europe resulted in great fear there. WebUnit: 1450 - 1750 Renaissance and Reformation. They reunified Feudal Japan and made Christians even encouraged Ottomans for their taxes were lighter. Empires expanded using gunpowder, cannons, military strategies, and armed trade. Overview 1450: still under Mongol control Isolated from advancements of Western Europe 1750: enormous land empire Territorial expansion eastward Governmental reforms, Breaking Free from the Mongols set up tributary feudal state with Moscow as collection point This shifted power from Kiev to Moscow Mongols got local Moscow princes to help in administration This strengthens Dutchy of Moscow and gives them administrative experience Moscow leads successful fight for, Ivan III (the Great) begins annexing surrounding territory Married niece of last Byzantine ruler proclaims Moscow the third Rome, heir to Rome and Constantinople, Ivan IV (the Terrible) First czar, begins annexation of Siberia Decreased the power of the boyars (Russian nobles) Killed, took their land, or relocated boyars This significantly increased the power of the monarchy. Accompanied natives with pleasant treatment and comfort and even survival. They primarily used conquest to continue They fought alongside Germany in It was the war between the French and their Indian allies and the English that proved the English to be the more dominant force of what was to be the United States both commercially and in terms of controlled regions. borders, stop having them closed," in a Formed the Triple Alliance and becoming a large empire. - navy captured island of Rhodes (now part of Greece) in 1522 served as a model for warriors who participated in rise of Gunpowder Empires & for Tamerlane. Very harsh and violent. It is now January 1,20151,20151,2015 . Slaves from Africa to the Americas for plantation needs. They closed the He wrote The Prince (the end justifies the mean). rebellions? They were lighter than cannons and more efficient than bows and arrows. While Russia remained an agricultural society, the West became very commercially active and developed a strong manufacturing base. Ming Dynasty administration resembled that of the Major trade route in the Atlantic. - relied on gunpowder weapons (e.g. Russia 1450-1750Western civilization changed significantly between 1450 and 1750. Emperor of Qing Dynasty. rank. Major factor and contributor of the trans-sahara trade as well as the salve trade. youtube. richest & best-governed states in world under Akbar. Many empires of Europe (Britain, France, Netherlands, etc.) Dynasty becomes less effective at Known in America as French and Indian war. Ottoman Sents colonies to the Americas for colonization. has no other resources besides furs. Chinese dynasty established in 1368 that overthrew the Yuan Dynasty; during this era, Portuguese and other Europeans arrived, aiming to encroach on the Asian trade network & renewed the Great Wall of China, foreign invaders from Manchuria that seized power in China and established the Qing Dynasty, Chinese empire ruled from 1644-1911 founded by the Manchu, one of China's longest-reigning emperors (ruled 1661-1722) who presided over a period of stability & expansion during the Qing Dynasty in China, ruled 1736-1796 who was a poet that was also known for being knowledgable in art & calligraphy, invented in Europe that increased literacy rate, large, multiethnic states in Southwest, Central, and South Asia that relied on firearms to conquer and control territories, the largest & most enduring of the great Islamic empires of this period founded by the Osman Dynasty in 1300s and lasted until its defeat in 1918 by the Allies in WWI; extended from modern-day Turkey, Balkans of Europe, and parts of North Africa & Southeast Asia, Safavid dynasty founded in Safavid order of Sufism established in northern Azerbaijan region (Iran) & was Shi'a Islam, 300-year dynasty founded in 1520s by Babur during a time when India was in disarray & had a central government similar to Suleiman of the Ottoman Empire, model for warrior life that blended the cooperative values of nomadic culture with the willingness to serve as a holy fighter for Islam, aka "jatis"; strict social groupings designated at birth for Hindus - Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras, Dalits, ruled 1547-1584; Ivan the Terrible crowned tsar in 1547 & immediately expended Russian border eastward, aka Timur the Lame; a Mongol-Turkic ruler of the late 14th century that set the stage for the rise of Turkic empires, ruled 1520-1566 that allowed the Ottoman Empire to reach its peak; also known as Suleiman the Magnificent, a 14-15 year old Safavid military hero that conquered most of Persia & pushed to Iraq; eventually, he conquered all of Iran and was proclaimed shah of the Safavid Empire, called Abbas the Great (ruled 1588-1629); presided over the Safavid Empire's height, Babur's grandson who achieved grand religious & political goals in the Mughal Empire.
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