2. } For example, 'T20200615.0674.'. A Subscription creates recurring billing items for Assets when there is no need to track labor costs against subscription revenue; for example, when billing in installments. The function of this entity is to describe the relationship between an asset category and a specific UDF. Provide feedback for the Documentation team. Autotask users manage Tickets through a number of modules including Service Desk, Home, CRM, and Contracts. If you select Yes, all incomplete to-dos for the ticket to be set to complete when the note is saved. Most of the values were taken from an existing ticket. I am new to autotask. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Which actions can be performed on the entity. It also tracks the resource and date &time each step was completed. This entity's purpose is to describe a reusable set of roles and work types that are excluded from the contract to which the set applies. This entity's purpose is to describe a cost associated with an Autotask contract. This entity contains the records for the Deleted Ticket Activity journal located in the Autotaskapplication at >Admin > Features and Settings > Projects & Tasks >Deleted Ticket Activity Log. The function of this entity is to describe the associations between Change Request tickets and both Incidents and Problems. The function of this entity is to describe the mapping of the contact to the contract billing rule. To obtain extended information about entities and their field data, use the GET API call. The Action Type specifies the type of activity scheduled by the to-do or associated with the note and the actionType View controls where the Note or To-do appears in the user interface. This entity describes an Autotask Service added to a Recurring Service contract. } A resource must have at least one role assignment. A new inactive ContactID value cannot be assigned on create() or update(). Incidents on Change Request tickets will not be updated. RESTAPIsupportability and query thresholds, Using Swagger UIto explore REST API requests. The id value is set by the system and cannot be changed by the user; for example, if you attempt to specify a value for the id field when using the POSTAPI call, the create will fail. Can Query is not included because non-queryable fields are listed under a separate heading. This entity contains notes for Knowledgebase articles in Autotask. Access to version 1.6 will deactivate in Q4 2024. The function of this entity is to describe the Webhook error log where errors are kept by the application for 30 days. This entity's purpose is to describe a Resource - Role - Queue relationship. Implementing the time entry portion wouldn't be terrible. This entity represents company (account)categories in Autotask. /**/Want to tell us more? Refer to WebhookExcludedResources (REST). For more information, refer to. Only form templates that are available to all selected tickets categories can be selected. This entity's purpose is to describe a serial number associated with an Inventory Item. Staging Ground Beta 1 Recap, and Reviewers needed for Beta 2, Representational state transfer (REST) and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Use of PUT vs PATCH methods in REST API real life scenarios, Calculating probabilities from d6 dice pool (Degenesis rules for botches and triggers). /*]]>*/Want to tell us more? The function of this entity is to describe the resources associated with a Company Team. For more information, refer to Notification panel. Within Autotask navigate to Homepage > Admin > Features & Settings; Tip - click the images to make them larger. Thanks for your feedback. They are saved as replies to the note or time entry they are added to. /**/Want to tell us more? The ConfigurationItemRelatedItems entity enables you to view, add, and remove related child or parent CIs in Autotask. This entity contains the attachments for the TaskNotes entity. This entity allows all items in a checklist library to be added to a ticket. var uri = 'https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdw1y-_z7_O1tSWNFkiDliribqAz5IrqAiJJ6u2KsbEvICTqw/viewform?usp=pp_url&entry.876121135=' + document.location.href; It describes Price List information associated with a WorkTypeModifier entity. You use it to override your company's standard role rate for labor tracked against the contract. function SendLinkByMail(href) { window.open(uri); Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Alert workflow - Autotask CreatorType specifies whether the CreatorResourceID refers to a Resource or a Contact. } You can only associate it with a Quote entity. If more than one person is added, +# is added to the first name. This entity describes an Autotask Quote Item. Enter the recipient email address in the Email API Token to (optional) field and click Email Token (Optional) The sent email includes the API Key and the server URL to query. The Autotask REST API Getting started REST API security and authentication REST API revision history Working in the API Introduction to the Autotask REST API Introduction to REST API calls Autotask REST API resources Good to know. Is there any way for you to see what the response from Autotask is? If no value is provided for Ticket.Source when a ticket is created via the API, the default Source value is returned on update. Also create Note/Attachment on # incident(s) (tickets only). This will populate the LOB field with that selection when creating any entities where LOB can be applied. From the Autotask Home page toolbar, select Help. If the current priority is inactive, update() is allowed if the Priority value is not changed, or if Priority is changed to an active value. Refer to Creating Knowledgebase articles from tickets. This article provides a general technical overview and index of the resources (entities)that you can access via the AutotaskRESTAPI. REST API supportability and query thresholds If you find a defect in the API. REST API: User-defined fields (UDFs) - Autotask Create Tickets in autotask using REST api in python Want to learn about upcoming enhancements? This entity contains SSLSubject Alternative Name (SAN) records associated with the ConfigurationItemsentity in Autotask. This entity contains the attachments for the TimeEntries entity. function SendLinkByMail(href) { If you select a different note type, keep in mind that it might be set to a different Publish option. Want to learn about upcoming enhancements? Assets are products that are associated with a Company entity. If a status or quick edit field supplied by the dialog fields conflicts with an unsaved change on the Edit Ticket page, the dialogs value will be used.Information on the Insights panel will not be updated until that task or ticket is saved. A Department is an association the application can use to manage resources, especially when assigning project tasks. Is it possible to rotate a window 90 degrees if it has the same length and width? This entity describes results and information for a survey generated by Autotask. Provide feedback for the Documentation team. NOTE If Knowledgebase is enabled and the ticket is used to create a Knowledgebase article, the contents of the Resolution field appear in the article. When you enable the Organizational Structure feature in Autotask, this object describes an Autotask Resource association with an organizational structure pairing of OrganizationalLevel1 and OrganizationalLevel2 (OrganizationalLevelAssociation entity). Each entity description includes the following information: Note that actions are governed by the permissions of the logged-in end user; for example, although a Company entity allows a create call, the logged-in end user may not have permission to create a Company entity. The Deleted Ticket Activity log provides a list of ticket time entries, notes, and attachments that were deleted from your system. Enter your API credentials and then click Connect. TicketCategory - Autotask The selected recipients are added to the To: field; CC: and BCC: fields are not populated. The function of this entity is to describe the values for custom Additional Invoice Fields that users can add to Autotask for use with Autotask Invoice Templates. Refer to the About entity fields section of this article for more information. You can assign it to any resource and associate it with a Contract, Ticket, or Opportunity. The function of this entity is to describe the number of units of a specific service bundle with an association to a Recurring Service contract for a specific date range. Where does this (supposedly) Gibson quote come from? A Contact is an individual associated with a Company. The Web Services API stores and returns all time data in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This entity describes an Autotask service call and its relationship to four other service call related entities. On update, a TicketCategory cannot be updated to another TicketCategory that is inactive. Access to version 1.6 will deactivate in Q4 2024. This entity contains the records for the Deleted Task Activity journal located in the Autotaskapplication at, This entity contains the records for the Deleted Ticket log located in the Autotaskapplication at. Have an idea for a new feature? If the API receives an invalid prefix, it will automatically generate one and assign it to the resource. For more information, check out the Datto/Autotask page about this module too. When an inventory product is manually created, stocked items are also created. Enable the Allow Ticket Creation Without Configuration Items option only if you do not track all monitored computers as Autotask Configuration Items. It controls who can view the note. This entity describes an Autotask Opportunity. I think I posted the beginning of that script in here that will get you connected via Powershell and how to create the ticket. If the time entry dialog box is open for a long time, the Quick Edit fields can be changed by another user or a workflow rule. Selecting a Note Type populates the Publish To field of the note, but this default can be overridden. ServiceLevelAgreementPausedNextEventHours. Attachments are external documents that are associated with an Autotask Account, Task, Ticket, Task or Ticket Note, Time Entry, Asset, Asset Note, Project, or Opportunity entity. The Administrative Email Address for Action-Required Notifications should be an email address that does not create tickets in your Autotask. The ticket category controls which fields appear here and in what order. Come try it. Gettings 721 tickets based on a title filter: "Title eq hello!" It also controls if this section is automatically expanded when the time entry or note is opened for creating or editing. and not visible to the API user when inspecting the Extension Callout on edit and when creating a new Extension Callout. It allows you to configure tiered or volume pricing for the billing product. Autotask API Ticket Creation with PowerShell Does anyone have sample code for how to create a ticket using the REST API. If the ticket category is associated to an SLA, then use that ID. Automatically Close Ticket using the API Extension Callout - N-able If setting equals 'Always', the API will always require the QueueID value. /*]]>*/Want to tell us more? Autotask API Ticket Creation with PowerShell : r/Autotask - reddit The fields that do appear show the following differences: A Keep Current option is available and is the default. This entity's purpose is to describe a Contact associated with a ContactGroup. The resources then have access to the account data when their security level allows account access at the Mine level. The API will set the impersonated users name and impersonatorCreatorResourceID value as the content creator during create operations. Some Read-Only fields must be supplied for a create, so while they are initially required, once the entity has been created, you cannot change them. function SendLinkByMail(href) { This section will be expanded if the note or time entry has at least one attachment. Have an idea for a new feature? This entity describes an Autotask Product with an association to an Inventory location in the Autotask Inventory module. This entity's purpose is to describe a note created by an Autotask user and associated with a Ticket entity. It does not describe transactions where an Inventory Item is associated with a Company as an Asset. The function of this entity is to describe the tax rate for a specific billing item. This entity represents the categories for documents in Autotask. This check box only appears for notes and time entries on problem tickets associated with one or more incidents. This check box is enabled when the Internal check box is selected. A setting on the General tab of the category will determine if a note title is required for task and ticket notes. NOTE Not all entities use UDFs. Ticket - Autotask Easily create an Autotask survey Easy copy/paste process takes less than 5 minutes Including survey in existing notifications means no extra emails for your clients Sync Autotask ticket details with feedback Gain further context about feedback by retrieving ticket info through the Autotask API. The date/time stamp indicates the date and time the status was last refreshed from the task or ticket. If it is selected, you can update the status of all incidents. The entity provides an efficient way to access the details, via the API, to assist with the customer's Autotask implementation. This entity describes an instance of hardware, software, or a material item in Autotask that a company sells or supports for customers. The ticket SLA is defaulted in using the following logic: Check the asset. This entity describes an Autotask Contract Block which represents a block of hours purchased for a Block Hour type Contract. Form template settings will override any previously populated field content, including notification settings, additional contacts, and secondary resources. It determines a customer's total taxes on billing items. rev2023.3.3.43278. In Autotask, sales orders are associated to Opportunities. For information about dialog boxes and how they differ from browser pages, refer to Minimizing Dialog Boxes. This entity describes an Autotask Appointment,a scheduled calendar time that is not a service call. The API currently exposes the following entities. Adding or changing a value for a recipient via the Quick Ticket Edits section will cause the names next to that check box to be added or changed accordingly. What is a word for the arcane equivalent of a monastery? This entity describes an Autotask project Phase. This entity describes one or more Autotask Assets (previously known as Configuration Items) assigned to a Ticket beyond the primary asset(ticket.configurationItemID). If TicketType = ChangeRequest, ProblemTicketID cannot have a value. Each entity type object contains an array of properties that describe instances of the entity type. Incoming email processing - Autotask Some entities support file attachments. You can configure API Only security levels to allow the impersonation of other resources on supported endpoints. The impersonated resource must have permission to act as configured in the other sections on the Edit Security Level page. It allows you to create, query, and update expense line items through the API. This entity describes an Autotask Ticket. This entity represents the daily availability, hours goal, and travel for a resource. This entity describes an Autotask Invoice. Autotask administrators create UDFs in the Administration Settings of the Autotask system. Head on over to our Community Forum! /*Autotask REST API resources The following table describes the standard Autotask field objects for this entity. This entity describes an Autotask Time Entry. Associates a Skill with a Resource to provide information about the skills or abilities of the resource. Any existing Change Request tickets can be edited. IMPORTANT Fields that are not visible cannot be validated. Create an API account in Autotask - Partner Docs Each of the entities inherits from the Autotask base class Entity. Using notes in Autotask We're using Power Apps to capture information and then Flow passes it to Autotask, i can pull information using GET but unable to create anything. This entity describes an adjustment to the quantity of units of a Service Bundle that are added to a Recurring Service Contract. If a value is not provided for ChangeApprovalType: For the ContactID field, Contact.AccountID must = Ticket.AccountID or the ParentAccountID of Ticket.AccountID. This entity's purpose is to describe a location associated with an Autotask Quote that defines address information for a shipToLocationID and/or billToLocationID. Be aware that some field data, such as picklist values and user-defined fields, may vary between Autotask implementations and cannot be provided in this document. They are also not exposed in the API or LiveReports. Available in the UI only when the installed module is enabled. Yep tried that - on the example given by Autotask it included "Id": "0" on the first line - but it doesn't make any difference. Need troubleshooting help? TicketType must = Incident before the ticket can be associated with a ProblemTicketID. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. This entity's purpose is to describe a billing Role that has been excluded from a Contract. If selected, the text entered into the Summary Notes or Description field will be added to the end of the Resolution field of the ticket. function SendLinkByMail(href) { It allows users to track and manage Inventory Items created from Autotask Products that require a unique serial number. Head on over to our Community Forum! In the Quick Notification (Notify via "To") section, you can use check boxes to quickly add common role-based notification recipients to the note or time entry notification email. This entity describes an Autotask Inventory location, that is, a physical or virtual place where your company stores or assigns inventory items. This entity contains notes for documents in Autotask. If an unsupported entity receives a request to update a field that contains Rich Text, the API will update the text-only version of the field and overwrite the data in the Rich Text field with plain text. NOTE If the InstalledProduct value is not being updated, and for some reason it is already associated with an Account that is different from the Ticket Account, the update() will not fail. It describes whether a Product on the Price List uses the internal currency or an external currency, and if it is external, lets you set the price in that currency. [CDATA[*/ To verify and configure these settings perform the following steps. Refer to Webhooks (REST API). [CDATA[*/ Saves the note or time entry and opens a new dialog box. The function of this entity is to describe the Resource - Service Desk Role association and takes some functionality from the ResourceRoleQueue entity, since Resource - Queue associations no longer require a Role association.
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