Originally released in 2011, Dragon Age II (at the time) marked the long-awaited return to the fantastical (and bloody) medieval world created by Bioware, and now those looking to hop back into the acclaimed action RPG can do that now on Xbox One through the magic of backwards compatibility.
Xbox’s Larry Hryb (aka “Major Nelson”) shared that Dragon Age II is now available to play on Xbox One through backwards compatibility, allowing players the chance to either experience it for the very first time, or to relive the adventure all over again.
As with any previous backwards compatible titles on Xbox One, having either the physical Xbox 360 game disc or a digital copy of the game will allow you to play the game through emulation.
Since it was introduced in 2015, backwards compatibility on the Xbox One has grown immensely, as the service has provide hundreds of classic Xbox 360 and, recently, classic Xbox titles. Recently, Microsoft has confirmed that nearly one billion hours have been spent by Xbox One players on backwards compatible titles, and it just goes to show that there’s plenty of power in playing through some of the classics from time to time, or to experience them for the very first time.
Dragon Age 2 is coming to Xbox One Backward Compatibility today https://t.co/qPMRNs2ZLo pic.twitter.com/STu0MDAr9k
— [ 💬 Larry Hryb ] (@majornelson) May 3, 2018