And the obvious answer is not as you claim. Patty Hearst The fat cow is guilty as hell and I hope she continues to have the shit kicked out of her in prison every day of her useless life. She was so obsessed with Andy that she called him non-stop, multiple times a day, right? The fact that Joanne was found with a hair clutched in her hand that was inconsistent with both her and Patricia (that they conveniently didnt bother to test). She was wrongfully convicted.. Just one example. As to her duration on death row, no: inference cannot be made as to her guilt as theres a woman with about the same time (Holberg) and another with almost as much. This article can also be seen at Allen Prue told police he and his wife "wanted somebody they could play with," Caledonia County State's Attorney Lisa Warren has said. Yaser Said is accused of killing his two daughters in 2008. Incriminating words. Through that testing, the elderly patient was confirmed to be the same woman locally known in Pittsburgh as a street preacher called The Sparrow who vanished and left her family flummoxed. Ive found that in nearly every case, those who are firmly of the opinion shes guilty have an extremely limited knowledge of the case theyve watched one (or perhaps more) of the documentaries which make absolutely no attempt to show anything thats in Rorrers favour (theres plenty, if one bothers to look), and worse, revel in exaggerated and speculative scenes, some of which were never even mentioned at her trial. Yet, you have a story like Darlie Rutier who supposedly stabbed herself seriously enough that was centimeters from her carotid artery, yet this woman is in prison still? Omg so well put! Murder in Lehigh Valley: Keith Morrison Reports is also available on YouTube, but it costs $1.99 to view (Keith comes off as an advocate for Patricias innocence on the episode). Black said she was glad Said took the witness stand, giving her the chance to poke holes in his story, exposing him to everyone who has been watching this case. Prosecutors say a 911 call from the night of the murders proves that Said is guilty. His nephew, Islam, the brother to Amina and Sarah and son to Yaser, pleaded guilty to the same charges in June 2021 and received 10 years. Further, an early FBI report said the hairs found in the car had no roots which contain the DNA suggesting an evidence switcheroo. So we can just pretend that everyone is honest all of the time? Her diary certainly indicates some disturbed thinking. Re Routier, the claim that she inflicted a potentially fatal injury on herself by no means indicates another perp: she could have inflicted it in ignorance, as a suicide attempt, or in a semi-psychotic state. All of them returned without a DNA analysis because they contained no root material. Bob Kopta said that his wife had mental health issues and had spoken of going to the warm climate of the island. They retested the hair for DNA evidence with updated technology definitely Patricias hair case closed. The state police dropped him as a suspect. Prosecutors offered Patricia a plea deal that would take the death penalty off the table, but she declined. I was told they wanted to convict Lawrence Slaughter and not my sister.. They released a poster of Joann and Alex, noting that the baby had almond-shaped blue eyes, weighed 18 pounds, and was circumcised. Look into it. . However, while sticking solely to the Rorrer case, the issue of the husbands alibi is very much open to doubt if one takes into consideration what the documentary, STARZ-The Wrong Man (in two parts) has revealed. If Patricia had injuries it wouldve only been to her hands and she wasnt questioned right away which is also the reason she took Joanne elsewhere to kill her so her body wouldnt be found for a while and she would have time to return home. He was sentenced Said to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Owens said Said made her a weak woman but that those days are over. Rest in peace Joann and Alex. If the answer is no, enough said! It then makes light of the fact that the car in which the (incriminating) hairs were found was absent of any blood. Very soon after, the original hairs (in glass slides) were sent to the FBI again. The Dallas Morning News revealed that Patricia said, "All I can say is there's going to be justice," after waiting for 12 years of pain of losing her children. Rorrer is as guilty as OJ Simpson. She will be in jail for the rest of her life and rightly so. Opinion: the ideas that a person or a group of people have about something or someone, which are based mainly on their feelings and beliefs, or a single idea of this type.. Unbloody vehicle. Everyone lies. Joanne wouldnt have fought back as she was shot therefore almost immediately incapacitating her and was holding her son. His hair (back in 94-95) was dirty blonde and roughly 8 inches long. At one point, Owens looked directly at Said and reminded him of all of the abuse they endured, allegedly having a knife pulled on her. I just watched Reasonable Dont on this case. Her mother, Patricia Chambers, provided day care for their baby son, Charles. At that time he was living in Connecticut. They depict scenes which are pure speculation or exaggeration or present scenes, which in fact were only theories mentioned at her trial. Theres something very important to this case that needs to be mentioned more than anything else THE GUN. I believe in Patricias innocence and she deserves to be freed, at last! Said Guilty As for him, yes, it looks like the first suspect, but if he had alibis, quite hard to accuse of actually doing it, and I understand it was a pretty solid one. All the sources said the same thing either exposure or suffocation, but no certainty about which one. 2}Wo).hf}~g={g::y]peb78R,;>59_'cuB F4QyU&9G=#0 Rorrers defenders remind me of a case in my home town There was a killer who confessed, was caught on video committing the murder and was seen committing the crime by an eye witness. Joann would have fought for her life the person that did this would have had marks on them from a fight! And the obvious answer is not as you claim. There is no justice for your loved ones when the wrong person is paying for the crime. Mr Freeman, Why are youre rude about others who disagree with your OPINION (including jury and appeal judges)? Whoever writes this amateurish swill should get a real life, andsa real job. They moved into her house in Salisbury County, staying together for about two years. We were contacted by some individuals an agent from Interpol, as well as a social worker from Puerto Rico, that believed that they had her in an adult care home there in Puerto Rico, the deputy said during the press conference. WebThe prosecution said Patricia wanted Jeromes $30,000 life insurance policy. Instead, he hid for 12 years until the FBI found him in a relatives home in Denton County. Patricias defenders also say Andrew Katrinak staged the scene at his house by prying the door and cutting the phone line. WoW! The Worldwide Womens Criminal Justice Networks website also points to a bombshell: In 2015, the Justice Department acknowledged that most of the team members from an FBI microscopic hair comparison unit gave prosecutors flawed data from 1980 to 2000 that could have unjustly contributed to a number convictions including Patricia Rorrers. Let me simplify this for you in religion, one is taught there is a God. 'He's going to be in a better place': Florida mom charged with the The fact that shortly after Joanns funeral, Andy reconnected with an old friend, a woman who happened to live about 4 miles from where the bodies were found. If they were unable to get a DNA reading the first time, why the need for a second examination? She didnt kill those two boys and TX knows, but they made too much noise about it, hence this is probably the real reason that Darlie hasnt been put to death 24-25 yrs later. A man normally wouldnt care about killing a child, but a woman normally would have some kind of abhorrence to harming an innocent child. Ironically its you who is basing your view on second-hand information, as you were not in court. Andy passed not one but two polygraph tests and had a solid alibi. simply to create an atmosphere of hatred towards a person who, in all probability, has been wrongfully imprisoned. Patricia Kopta eventually developed dementia, police said. Mal told Keith Morrison that Patricias dance teacher originally confirmed her alibi that she was in class on the day of the murder, then changed his mind. Perhaps youre not aware, there was a great deal of evidence of which these documentaries made no mention, as well as misdeeds and incidents of corruption perpetrated by the cops. All this talk about hairs and other DNA just seems to keep deflecting away from the gun itself. Although I would have liked it to be death! Patricia Prue to undergo 2nd competency exam, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Nobody said bodies were intact. Patricia Walmart woe. Im a hunter and in the spring I have found many dead deer that died from starvation or other reasons and the bodies are untouched. After her arraignment, she had to walk past a crowd of dozens of locals screeching hang her! and baby killer! Patricia clung to a Polaroid picture showing her and her own little girl. She made an effort to look perfectly groomed even when she took out the trash, according to her mother, who appeared on Forensic Files. They need to test that hair from Joanns hand and also that broken fingernail. Larry Wrights sentence was reduced to only two years in prison with five years of parole. The defense also criticized Irving Police and federal investigators, claiming they did not properly investigate the case or look for other suspects. Nataly is the lead writer on Curious Texas and a breaking news reporter. Then you claim this is an opinion. She only spoke on the phone with him a couple of times a year; when she called that last time, she didnt even know if Andys child was a boy or a girl, and the baby was almost 4 months old. They also found a photo of Patricia taken 11 days before the homicide. Yaser Said was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the murder of his two daughters Amina and Sarah Said in 2008. "This was not a sudden or impetuous act on your part. The only thing that has changed since this case is the ability of people to access and proclaim crackpot ideas, conspiracies, and all the rest. The only record of a call from Patricia to the Katrinak household was on 12/7/94. However, Said never called 911. Keep her murdering ass locked up!!! I expect she will admit it one day. They allege that the North Carolina resident stealthily drove 500 miles to Pennsylvania and killed out of a sense of deadly indignation. There was a blood-stained fingernail and hair found on the victims body, and even though (in Keith Morrisons Dateline documentary) the Asst. This woman killed and is where she belongs! Of course, if he had info that only the perp would know Admission has long since been disregarded without corroborative evidence. Prosecutors said the Prues planned the March 2012 crime: Patricia Prue's computer had been used to conduct online searches for "how to kidnap a girl," the Prues acquired a stun gun, and they bought a prepaid cellphone to call Jenkins to ask for help. A lot of these documentaries feature most of the theories suggested by the cops and prosecution which were most damaging to her case, but not a single person to substantiate Rorrers side, or to challenge their versions. Whether or not one believes said person has a motive, did investigators have an actual factual case or not? My husband passed away of a broken heart, Sarah OConnor said on the Montel Williams Show in 2001. Within about seven months of Larry being placed in a maximum-security prison, the LAPD paid him a visit. He took two tests and there was deception detected in BOTH. Warren, who was tearful at the end of the hearing, said she is pleased with the outcome of the case, and that her office was only waiting on the outcome of Allen Prue's appeal. Petition JUSTICE for Amina & Sarah Said: To interrogate Patricia Hardly an argument, more a figment of your overconfidence in your opinion. Oh, and she was so obsessed with him that she started dating and found herself a boyfriend that was not only younger, but much more attractive than Andy? Why would the LAPD destroy the evidence, Patricias sister Arletta and other family members still ask to this day. Youre absolutely right!! She had had numerous run-ins with the police and, each time, would tell them to be ready because the end of the world was coming. Im sure shes innocent adds nothing other than to tell us your state of mind! This is the most ridiculous take ever! Together they had a baby girl, Nicole. Catherine Im in complete agreement with you! I have never seen anything this egregious in all my years.. If you subscribe to Hulu and upgrade to Starz (theres a free one-week trial offer), you can stream the Wrong Man episodes about Patricia Rorrer. No explanation given. Patricia McCloskey, who menaced the marching crowd with her finger on the trigger of a handgun, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment and was ordered to pay a fine of $2,000. But because there is no author of this page, I would like you to contact me on the Free Patricia Rorrer facebook page. Her mother was married to my uncle. Patricias phone bill showed no record of a call to Catasauqua that day, but police noticed she didnt make any calls at all from her house in North Carolina that day either suggesting she could have been out of state and used a pay phone to dial up the Katrinaks. WOW JUST WOW PEOPLE ARE SO BLIND BY ALL THIS. Keep up your delusions. Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple that infamously pointed guns at demonstrators who were marching past their house last summer, have pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges in the incident. But in October 1998, the LAPD established a cold case task force and reopened the murder case 17 years after Jerome Scotts death. THE COPS SET HER UP. Yassein Saids sentencing has been set for June 4. You say by definition! She asked to speak with Andrew, who was home during the call; Joann refused. They were there in the winter months in which the bodies would have been frozen most of the time. The trial was taking so much of my time. Forensic Files didnt mention it, but the hairs were actually brown at the top and the rest dyed blond, according to the show Autopsy Six: A Fatal Attraction. Its definitely getting rougher every day, Andrew told the Morning Call. In another peculiar turn of events, LAPD had failed to preserve the evidence when Jerome Scotts body was found two days after his murder. Patricias accusers theorized that she resented Joanns domestic bliss with the tall, athletic Andrew Katrinak. The LAPD alleged that Patricias motive was to get Jeromes insurance money, which had a value of $30,000. Stable situation. Dame Patricia said she was "deeply saddened" to hear of her former co-star's death. Said I happen to be one of those deluded people youre so freely attempting to insult. She believed she was chosen as one of Gods 144,000 bond servants on earth, and gave up all her other hobbies, such as dancing, to devote her life to spreading the word of God. Trash-talking ex. Joanne didnt go missing until December 15, an entire week and a day later. How would an intruder find it? I was able to email with Patricia via the PrisonConnect platform around Christmastime. And I hope I can get down to see her., Were very thankful to know that Patty is alive and well, Smith added. I decided to take the toys and hide them so my mother wouldnt see them, said Alfey, who is now 29 years old. Mr. Said harbored his father, Yaser, inside an apartment in Bedford, Texas, where a maintenance worker spotted Yaser on Aug. 14, 2017. The Riverside County public defender stated that the court may reduce her first two offences to misdemeanors because they are classified as wobblers. Wobbler refers to a criminal offense that can be classified as either a misdemeanor or a felony.