earth defense force 5

Earth Defense Force is coming back to the western markets with a one-two punch. In December, we’re finally going to be able to enjoy Earth Defense Force 5, while next year we’re getting Earth Defense Force Iron Rain. Recently, DualShockers spoke with Producer Nobuyuki Okajima to ask him a few questions about the upcoming titles, which will
EDF! EDF! EDF! The fine people over in Japan have made Earth Defense Force 5 the best-selling entry in the longrunning series. The game has shipped over 350,000 copies since its launch back in December of 2017. \EDF隊員数350,000万人達成/ 【祝】PS4『地球防衛軍5』国内販売本数35万本突破! 9/26まで #TGS2018 開催記念PSストアセールでEDF5最大40%OFF! 我らは歩兵隊~!燃えたぎる闘志のタフガイだ~! — 地球防衛軍(EDF)公式 (@EDF_OFFICIAL) September 14, 2018 Back in July, we learned that the game
The Earth Defense Force franchise is about killing tons of giant bugs, and the Starship Troopers series features pretty much the same concept, so it was just a matter of time. D3 Publisher released a trailer announcing a collaboration between the recently-released Earth Defense Force 5 and the CGI movie Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars