
Following the launch of Control earlier this year, it seems like Remedy could be starting to work on its next project soon. Remedy creative director Sam Lake tweeted out a message this morning that stated he is currently working on a new story of some sort. “I’m in my brand new top secret writing lair. I
Coming from the studio that gave us action-packed thrillers like the Max Payne series and Alan Wake, the upcoming Control from Remedy Entertainment is among the most anticipated games to arrive later this year, and in some newly-released footage, we can already see it will be a graphical powerhouse thanks to its inclusion of Nvidia’s ray tracing tech
Yesterday, I sat down with Sam Lake, the creative director of Remedy Entertainment, alongside Courtney Hope, who voices Jesse, the protagonist in Control. The two shared some new information with me about what other actors will be a part of Control’s story. James McCaffrey, the voice actor behind Max Payne, as well as Matthew Porretta, the voice behind Alan Wake, will be in Control. Of
The developers over at Remedy have sat down to film a video series going over their new title Control. In the latest video, Eevi Korhonen, Narrative Systems Designer, Same Lake, Creative Director, James McCaffrey, voice actor, and Courtney Hope, voice actor, discussed some characters and their background story found in the game. They went over some of the main
There’s still not a whole lot of information out there about Remedy Entertainment’s upcoming project Control, but every now and then they do release some brief new dev diaries about the game. Yet another one of those videos was released today and this time around, the topic of conversation was on Control’s protagonist, Jesse Faden. Even though her
For years, Remedy Entertainment has focused on narrative first and gameplay second. From the long monologues of Max Payne to the inner-workings of a writer in Alan Wake, and the episodic television experiment found in Quantum Break, it has been easy to see this emphasis on storytelling in almost every one of the studio’s titles. This focus on story over gameplay isn’t necessarily