As fans continue to wait for the third installment in the beloved action franchise Bayonetta, PlatinumGames’ Hideki Kamiya revealed that we’ll hear more about the game’s development later this year. During the recent Arcade Archives streams he briefly delved into his current projects and gave us another status update on the title.
When asked about what projects he was busy with, Kamiya replied “Well, I suppose…we’ve been working on new stuff like Bayonetta 3, not that I can say too much… but I hope we can give an update during the year.” He then continued, “–and give updates on a few more unannounced projects too. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say that, but I said it anyway.” And in true Kamiya fashion he finished off the brief phone interview by stating that he hopes to bring hype to the industry “so keep an eye on us.”
He last spoke of Bayonetta 3 in May 2020 in a full interview as he reassured fans that Bayonetta 3 was not cancelled. After being asked by the interviewer “Finally, Kamiya-san, are you bored of being asked about where Bayonetta 3 is yet?” Kamiya replied:
I’m on Twitter so I see a lot of comments every day. I’m happy that there’s still anticipation for the title, but one thing I would like to address is the trend I’m seeing which is people who are starting to ask if the game has been cancelled. I want you guys to take any concerns you have like that and throw them out the window immediately because we’re still hard at work on it and it hasn’t been cancelled by any means. Please look forward to it!
In February, the Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle released for Xbox One and PS4. We reviewed it and “other than a nice, steelbook case for the physical edition, the Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle doesn’t have much else to offer.” PlatinumGames had also published on their official site an interview with the staff working on the in-house engine the studio has been developing, which has been tentatively titled the Platinum Engine.
PlatinumGames also announced back in 2020 that four big announcements, the Platinum 4, were coming and three of them already happened. The Wonderful 101 Remaster Kickstarter. The reveal of Project G.G., a new game directed by Hideki Kamiya and in the line of Viewtiful Joe and The Wonderful 101. And the launch of a new PlatinumGames studio in Tokyo. The fourth and last announcement wasn’t shared yet but PlatinumGames’ Hideki Kamiya and Atsushi Inaba teased that it’s coming soon and it’ll be something awesome.
In more lighthearted news, PlatinumGames and Hideki Kamiya published on April 1st their own April Fools’ 2020 joke as the fourth and final Platinum 4 announcement. Through a video posted on their official Twitter account, PlatinumGames reveals its new arcade system, the Neo-Classic Arcade, and its first game, Sol Presta, seemingly developed in collaboration with Hamster Corp.
The post Bayonetta 3 Will Hopefully Get Progress Update This Year, According to Kamiya by Allisa James appeared first on DualShockers.