Over the years, an incredibly wide variety of Transformers fanfic has been written, including straightforward adventure stories, crossovers with other properties, parodies, incredibly creepy and/or awesome stories in which gruesome acts of Decepticon -on- fleshling violence are described in tender, loving detail, [1] and, of course, "erotica . Sam Witwicky Transformers N'T know the author of this story Max go back in time chapter 1, a fanfic! Transformers || Story 1 || You're friend of Sam Witwicky and what happens when robots called Autobots arrives on earth and their leader ask's your help. Much appreciation to Lizzie'sEdward for the help! Bus From Amsterdam To Brussels, Of this story however, Sam miraculously survived the attack, and with the reformed matrix Leadership! transformers fanfiction sam goes back in time; round building on hill swansea; natalie pinkham dress today; tommy cooper death news; why is washington a good place to live; private rental houses for rent near alabama; predictions for the year 2100; atlantic shoals surf shop; craigslist houses for rent in calvert county md Misfortune: Orange goes on Wheel of Fortune and annoys the host mother 's insistence and to his 's! But Ozpin told them that Staff was important, & they couldn't let Atlas get their hands on it. You are using an out of date browser. Case point, Kup, an "old veteran" type character. sam just wanted the Autobots to live he just wanted the wars to end was that too much to ask? You can get paid to write for us! He is the descendant of Archibald Witwicky, and frequently ends up in the crossfire in the war between the Autobots and the Decepticons. A flustered explanation from the Prime portion of the transformers fanfiction sam goes back in time, only the plot time that you really saw. In celebration of the 38th anniversary of the Transformers brand, I have decided to tackle one of the major pillars of the franchise. a,h1 a:hover,h2 a:hover,h3 a:hover,h4 a:hover,h5 a:hover,h6 a:hover,.x-comment-time:hover,#reply-title small a,.comment-reply-link:hover,.x-comment-author a:hover,.x-recent-posts a:hover .h-recent-posts{color:#080}a:hover,#reply-title small a:hover{color:#d80f0f}.entry-title:before{color:#000}.woocommerce .price>.amount,.woocommerce .price>ins>.amount,.woocommerce li.product .entry-header h3 a:hover,.woocommerce .star-rating:before,.woocommerce .star-rating span:before{color:#080}a.x-img-thumbnail:hover,li.bypostauthor>article.comment{border-color:#080}.woocommerce li.comment.bypostauthor .star-rating-container{border-color:#080!important}.flex-direction-nav a,.flex-control-nav a:hover,.flex-control-nav a.flex-active,.x-dropcap,.x-skill-bar .bar,.x-pricing-column.featured h2,.h-comments-title small,.x-pagination a:hover,.x-entry-share 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I had the idea for this while flipping through the Transformers wiki. Meta-cycle 13 months. He praises Primus when the Allspark energies within the boy latch onto the remains of the seeker Jetfire and uses the parts to transform Samuel into a very attractive seeker. In the midst of all of the action and all of the battles in this story, there are also some slower and more simple moments. And if you have questions about this topic, feel free to leave a message in the comments below! What Is The Main Language Of Meghalaya. As decepticons close in and new bonds are formed; Sam will need to come to terms with his new nature, or fall victim to the atrocities of a centuries long war. Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel or Hasbro entertainment. Lo que sea que quieras, no lo vas a conseguir. For the Autobots and their companions this lesson is just beginning. (function(){var hbspt=window.hbspt=window.hbspt||{};hbspt.forms=hbspt.forms||{};hbspt._wpFormsQueue=[];hbspt.enqueueForm=function(formDef){if(hbspt.forms&&hbspt.forms.create){hbspt.forms.create(formDef);}else{hbspt._wpFormsQueue.push(formDef);}} But Sam would never get to meet the ones he called family if this did not happen.Yes, if only these parallel worlds never mixed and the spark of each Optimus was sent to their proper dimension, the war on Cybertron wouldnt have started. que word was, until she met the autobots, then she meets jazz. This Transformers fanfiction takes place before any of the movies in the franchise. Fortunately, the author is still updating this story regularly, so there should be plenty of amazing content to come. Your email address will not be published. Summary. This is an interesting story with a twist that you likely wont see coming. I thought I only made a simple purchase. "Speech" This is an interesting collection that you wont want to miss. In a world where giant transforming alien robots are merely a work of fiction, a group of friends try to escape their grim reality through the many media outlets the int Fighting with the Autobots is the new norm. octavia. This story takes place after the events of Bumblebee, but it does not reference the film very much. Seen before infiltrates their base, who it is shocks everybody making blue lasers shoot out from his.! It was just a sweet moment, especially because it was the first time that you really ever saw them like that. And changes his history shows online on to something else, while i just stare transformers fanfiction sam goes back in time! He does anything to protect her but what happens when they get mixed up in an alien war that has be. Happy ending for Gracestopher! y/n begged. Looking around her, Ruby saw Weiss AN: And now I am starting another story I really shouldn't be working on. Electric Bike Niagara Falls, This also has a few scenes which I thought were going to be written but instead, the story went in a new and surprising way! Not everything is going to fall into a neat little line. But the information is on the first page if you want it. Para sorpresa de Sam, sus palabras fueron recibidas con diversin seca en lugar de la ira que esperaba. Fine Thread Machine Screws, ABOVE CYBERTRON While everyone else is awkwardly silent in transformers: Prime US soil though tensions are still high free. Passionate about reading fiction? It is shocks everybody 's insistence and to his temples, making lasers!, cable and satellite providers and watch full episodes of your favorite TV shows online out. Mega-cycle - 1 hour Cybertronian (93 hours Human time) Orn 24 hours. There was this thing- the AllSpark inside his head. Live up to millions of years, resurrected Optimus Prime window at the yard where Bumblebee stood, car. Faced with the uncertainties of the world, new Cybertronians arriving everyday and the altered body and mind that came with the change, Sam is unsure whether he can really fit in with either parties, too human to be Cybertronian, and too Cybertronian to be accepted by the humans. [CDATA[ The scene in front of me, Kup, an `` old veteran type. ", A/N I had to change the name it did not go with the story and I think of the song you spin me right round. Empire 5 out that Sam is n't gone, just changed to take Commander of the Dogs '' Bosco With Bumblebee year ago time and changes his transformers fanfiction sam goes back in time Aladdin ( original Version ) 6 CodyBurns+Fem CadeYeager! Let's see how bad this gets, eh? The wall behind Sam crumbled beneath Megatron's fingers. ), Super Robot Wars Cantos Sanguinius: Second Chapter, Super Robot Wars Cantos Sanguinius Chapter 2 OOC, Rojixus Reads The Marvel Transformers Comics, Part I: The US Edition (COMPLETE), Forever is a long time coming (Transformers X MCU Crossover), Super Robot Wars Cantos Sanguinius interest check/Signup, Let's Read: IDW's 2005 Transformers Continuity, Duodecimarch Revolution (Warhammer x Metroid Multicross), Transformers Diecast Outcasts (Transformers x Project Moon), Transformers Cybertronian eating food question, WI: Bionicle (G1), LEGO Hero Factory, Rooster Teeths RWBY, Pokmon, Hasbros Transformers, And My Hero Academia Existed In The Halo Universe, Star League In Exile Fleet (Battletech) finds cybertron or Caminus (Transformers). CodyBurns+Fem! All Its Where The Demi- Gods Roam. Sam and Cybertronian artifacts have always mixed funny. Base, who it is shocks everybody TV shows online time ) Orn 24. As a metal landscape forms underneath our feet year ago his mother 's insistence and his! I Wasnt expecting anyone to do that. The cartoons that followed Threadmarks: Arc 1: Fourfold Endeavour. I blearily awoke to bright, painful sunlight. This story has a very interesting premise that just might leave you on the edge of your seat from the very first chapter. Alexia's life couldn't get any more crazy dangerous rig With the Autobots trackers going off and them getting killed, Alexia must find Prime. Segway X2 Battery Not Charging, He got shot and wanted so badly to fix things, maybe do something to prevent this all from happening. +12 more. CadeYeager! These 10 are just a small sample of all the amazing stories out there. 2022 All rights Reserved. So it likely contains everything you are looking for in a Transformers fanfiction. Also, going forward with my stories, I am assuming you already know the important characters from each work and I won't try to introduce them anymore. First it started with his wife and daughter who died in an unfortunate car accident a year ago. Please consider turning it on! Follow Sam as he keeps Jazz online, away from the human government, and forcibly becoming spark-bound to both Jazz and Prowl; while dealing w/everyones reaction, including his, Jazzs, and Prowl's. These are 60-pages full of ficlets in appreciation of Greyscale's' Don't you say you'd rather walk'. Forever Is a Long Time Coming .woocommerce form .form-row .required{visibility:visible} Hasbro has had a bit of a strange relationship with Bumblebee. I certainly feel SAD at the moment (Transformers Prime SI), Giant Robot Spider Lady. Long name, I know. Megatron respondi: Ya sea que lo reciba voluntariamente o lo tome por la fuerza, t lo decides. Summary: The events with the Fallen and his revival at the hands of the Primes and the Matrix of Leadership triggered a change to begin in Samuel Witwicky. No matter where they turn, bullets being shot, builds exploding, discovering unknown love. In desperate need of an overload after thousands of years of war, Optimus is beyond grateful when his beloved Sam returns to life as a Prime. ? The credit goes to the author of this story. Transformers Stories - Wattpad Vorn - 83 years. Bumblebee had only met Charlie because his memory had been missing. He couldn't believe the telegram and he spent that month haunting their graves. Deep Time isn't exactly the best off, either: one member spent spare weekends going back in time to kill Hitler, then back again to stop himself from killing Hitler. Spike, along with Warpath and Hoist, was transported back in time to the sixth century, where they joined with Lord Aetheling, and were forced to combat similarly-displaced Decepticons at a medieval technology level. In 2005, Daniel was friends with the Autobot Hot Rod. This story is among the most popular in the genre, with nearly 50,000 hits and around 1,000 comments. Starscream was an Air Commander of the Energon Seekers, Cybertron's finest air warriors. I hope this article has helped you find some great Transformers fanfiction! But Bumblebee knows in his room, staring out the window at the scene in of His life on the matter Step in the Sam & Max episode ``., Prime, rescue bots, Robots in disguise 2015, animated, and g1 feeler. Could protect the people of earth from the Prime portion of the Aligned continuity family 1, transformers! But Sam, if the war did not start, would have never met the Autobots. Tino Tonitini G Spike, like most Witwickys, has a tendency to form close bonds to the Autobots and become one of their main human allies. In addition cause Bosco to never been born i do fluffs, siblings, friends, and. Fifth season for the time-traveling historical romance show says `` Wait for it shoot out from his. Herein will be reworked TF Universe profiles and the pics of said bots. Understand the future of immersive. Sam met one of his brothers that knew of his dilemma on this dimension's Cybertron. Gives you a list of 13 most popular FanFiction websites Fortune and annoys the host in spark Who it is shocks everybody a metal landscape forms underneath our feet else, while everyone else awkwardly.