Section 40:55D-138 - Findings, declarations relative to transfer of development rights by municipalities. Section 40:48-1.4 - Criminal history record check requested by municipality, authority for. Section 40:54D-31 - Authorization to collect rates, charges, fees for use of projects, Section 40:54D-33 - Government entity may convey property, Section 40:54D-34 - Cooperation of county, municipality. New Jersey Statutes Title 40. Municipalities and Counties Section 40:3-5 - Commission to supersede all commissions; body corporate; disbursements; investments, Section 40:3-6 - Certain officers to act when commission not functioning, Section 40:3-7 - Foreclosure of mortgages; municipal sinking fund for school district bonds, Section 40:3-8 - Commissioners not to receive compensation; bonds; secretary and assistants, Section 40:3-9 - Custodian of moneys and securities; investments; accounts, Section 40:3-10 - Sinking fund moneys; investment of, Section 40:3-11 - Annual report; publication, Section 40:3-12 - Accounts; how kept; classification of bonds; accretions; interest; losses, Section 40:3-13 - When commission may sell bonds of county, school district or municipality, Section 40:3-14 - Bonds falling due; funds transmitted for payment, Section 40:3-15 - Commissioners may enforce payment to sinking fund of sums due, Section 40:3-16 - Annual sinking fund requirements; amortization basis, Section 40:3-17 - Sinking fund requirements for year; how calculated, Section 40:3-18 - When contributions to cease, Section 40:3-19 - Excess accumulations, to reduce requirements of sinking fund; deficiency, Section 40:3-20 - Outstanding term bonds tabulated; adjustment of excesses and deficits; surpluses, Section 40:3-21 - Deficiency in sinking funds; how raised, Section 40:3-22 - Special sinking fund requirements additional to annual requirements, Section 40:3-23 - Special sinking fund; distribution of, Section 40:3-24 - Interest on surplus; use of. Section 40:9D-4 - Plan for proposed activities. NJ Chief's of Police (Written & Oral Exams) Department run Promotional Exams McCann Testing IO Solutions IACP & More. Section 40:54D-26 - Application for proposed project financing. Section 40:55D-14 - Effect of mailing notice. this Title, Section 40:3-2 - Contracts as to bonds, notes not impaired, Section 40:3-3 - When sinking fund commission to determine requirements. Pictured from left to right are Sgt. Section 40:56-54 - Appeals from assessments and awards of incidental damages; procedure. Section 40:55D-49 - Preliminary approval, extension. Section 40:69A-25 - Reversion to prior law. Section 40:49-5 - Penalties for violations of municipal ordinances. Section 40:55D-136.4 - Existing government approval; extension period. Section 40:12-15.12 - Proposition authorizing levy to support arts and culture. Section 40:56-13.1 - Clean energy special assessment, financing through bonds. Police promotional examinations for career preparation, Core Concepts Our Police Training is the best choice for your Police promotional examinations and assessment centers for career advancement. Section 40:84-2 - First election; when held. Section 40:33-8 - County library commission. New Jersey (Non-Civil Service/Title 40/NJ Chief's) Promotional Course Section 40:16-1 - Construction of subtitle favorably to counties, Section 40:16-2 - Tenure of office unaffected, Section 40:18-1 - Corporate title; boundaries unaffected, Section 40:18-2 - County vested with all property; proceedings unaffected, Section 40:18-3 - Corporate powers; acquisition and sale of property, Section 40:18-4 - Acts creating counties and affecting the boundaries thereof, Section 40:18-4.1 - Camden, Atlantic and Gloucester counties; boundary lines, Section 40:18-4.2 - Annexation to borough of Matawan, Monmouth county, of part of township of Madison, Middlesex county, Section 40:18-4.3 - Monmouth and Middlesex counties; boundary lines, Section 40:19-2 - Resolution; submission to voters, Section 40:19-3 - Petition for resolution; resolution on initiative of board, Section 40:19-5 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:19-6 - Submission at general election; law applicable, Section 40:19-7 - Vote required for adoption; board to provide accommodations, Section 40:19-8 - Courts and county officers established in new county seat, Section 40:19A-1 - Counties of third class; establishment of offices outside county seat and county jail, Section 40:20-1 - Board of chosen freeholders, Section 40:20-1.1 - Quarterly fiscal reports, Section 40:20-2 - Membership; number and term; first election, Section 40:20-8 - Submission at presidential primary. Section 40:10D-2 - Archaeological findings on lands owned by political subdivision protected. Section 40:69A-60.6 - Powers and duties of aides, Section 40:69A-60.7 - City of first class under Mayor-Council Plan C; police chief; appointment; term of office; removal, Section 40:69A-67.1 - Municipality with Mayor-Council Plan D; housing counsellor; duties, Section 40:69A-67.2 - Appointment; removal; salary, Section 40:69A-82 - Government by elected council and appointed manager and other officers and employees, Section 40:69A-83.1 - Council-manager plan; charter provision; regular municipal or general election; term of office, Section 40:69A-83.2 - Election at large or by wards, Section 40:69A-83.3 - Terms of first council members, Section 40:69A-86 - Mayor; election by council or by voters; charter provision, Section 40:69A-88 - Powers of municipality vested in council; exceptions, Section 40:69A-89 - Appointment of municipal manager and clerk and others, Section 40:69A-90 - Departments, boards and offices; deputy manager, Section 40:69A-91 - Municipal council to act as a body; administrative service to be performed through manager; committees or commissions, Section 40:69A-92 - Qualifications of municipal manager, Section 40:69A-93 - Term of municipal manager; removal; suspension, Section 40:69A-94 - Absence or disability of manager, Section 40:69A-95 - Powers and duties of manager, Section 40:69A-96 - Budget; preparation by manager, Section 40:69A-97 - Submission of budget to council, Section 40:69A-97.1 - Council-manager plan deadline, Section 40:69A-98 - Laws conferring powers upon mayor or other executive head construed as meaning municipal manager, Section 40:69A-115 - Adoption by municipalities under 12,000; applicable laws, Section 40:69A-116 - Government by elected council and mayor and appointed officers, Section 40:69A-117 - Composition of council, Section 40:69A-117.1 - Small municipality plan; members of council; election at regular municipal or general election, Section 40:69A-117.2 - First members of council; terms of office, Section 40:69A-117.3 - Mayor; election by council or by voters; charter provision, Section 40:69A-120 - Legislative power; quorum; mayor's duties; president of council, Section 40:69A-121 - Executive power; mayor's duties, Section 40:69A-122 - Assessor; tax collector; attorney; clerk; treasurer; other officers; appointment, Section 40:69A-123 - Finance committee and other committees of council, Section 40:69A-124 - Appointment of officers and employees by mayor, Section 40:69A-125 - Residence in municipality not required, Section 40:69A-127 - Duties of municipal clerk, Section 40:69A-130 - Disbursement of municipal funds, Section 40:69A-131 - Tax collector; duties, Section 40:69A-132 - Bond of treasurer and collector, Section 40:69A-149.1 - Adoption by voters; applicable laws, Section 40:69A-149.2 - Government by elected mayor and council, and appointed municipal administrator and other officers and employees, Section 40:69A-149.3 - Council; composition; mayor and councilmen; election; terms of office, Section 40:69A-149.4 - Election at large; terms of office of first elected, Section 40:69A-149.5 - Council; legislative power; status of mayor; quorum; president; special meetings, Section 40:69A-149.6 - Mayor; powers and duties, Section 40:69A-149.7 - Ordinances; approval by mayor, Section 40:69A-149.8 - Mayoral appointments; municipal departments, Section 40:69A-149.8a - Ordinances validated, Section 40:69A-149.9 - Municipal administrator, Section 40:69A-149.10 - Officers and employees; appointment and recruitment by mayor, Section 40:69A-149.12 - Annual budget; preparation, Section 40:69A-149.14 - Municipal funds; disbursement, Section 40:69A-149.16 - Bond; treasurer and collector. Section 40:69A-43 - Municipal departments, number. Section 40:33-13.15 - Disposition of revenues, Section 40:33-13.16 - County library commission; termination; assets and obligations, Section 40:33-13.17 - Regional library as "public agency or organization" within Public Employees' Retirement Act, Section 40:33-13.18 - Withdrawal of participating county, Section 40:33-14 - Law library; maintenance; purchase of books; annual expenditures limited, Section 40:33-15 - Morris County; reorganization of free county library; resolution, Section 40:33-17 - County library commission; members, Section 40:33-18 - Proposal of operational amount for ensuing calendar year, Section 40:33-19 - Funding county library services, Section 40:33-20 - Municipalities; continuation of receipt of services from free county library; exceptions, Section 40:33-21 - Report on effectiveness of second level services, Section 40:33-22 - Application of provisions on free county libraries, Section 40:33-23 - Consideration of increase in county tax levy to fund second level services for purposes of calculating permissible expenditures, Section 40:33A-1 - Creation; membership; terms; vacancies; compensation, Section 40:33A-2 - Organization; chairman, Section 40:33A-3 - Responsibility of commission, Section 40:33A-4 - Museum and cultural programs; exhibits and displays, Section 40:33A-6 - Gifts, grants and bequests; solicitation and acceptance; deposit; budgeting, expenditure and accounting, Section 40:33B-2 - Findings, declarations, Section 40:33B-4 - County historical commission, Section 40:33B-9 - Powers to county cultural and heritage commission, Section 40:33B-10 - Approval of commissioner, Section 40:34-1 - Erection and maintenance, Section 40:34-3 - Proposition printed on ballot; ballot; form and content, Section 40:34-4 - Vote required for adoption, Section 40:34-5 - Powers conferred deemed additional, Section 40:34A-1 - Counties; authorizations; acquisition of property; construction of facility; raising money; issuance of debt obligations; operation of facility, Section 40:34A-2 - Establishment as part of county's public parking system; municipal public utility of county, Section 40:34A-3 - Limitation on period of usefulness, Section 40:34A-4 - Exemption from taxes and special assessments, Section 40:34A-5 - Municipalities; powers, Section 40:34A-6 - Municipalities; authorization; validity and binding effect of obligations and pledges; use by county as security for its bonds or notes, Section 40:34A-7 - Municipalities; cooperation with county; acquisition of property; provision of services, Section 40:34A-8 - Authority of municipality to incur expense, Section 40:34A-9 - Counties; authorization and power for agreements with other governmental agencies, Section 40:35-1 - Purposes for which plants may be erected, Section 40:35-2 - Operation and supervision, Section 40:35-3 - Contracts for services instead of building plants, Section 40:35A-1 - Establishment of service and operation of system; resolution or ordinance, Section 40:35A-2 - Contract with public or private entity, Section 40:37-1 - Shade tree commission; freeholders' powers, Section 40:37-2 - Commissioners' term lengths; alternates, Section 40:37-3 - Organization; officers; salary of secretary, Section 40:37-4 - Commissioners serve without compensation; expenses, Section 40:37-5 - Powers; regulations; trees on highways; parks, Section 40:37-6 - Regulations for protection of trees and shrubbery; penalties, Section 40:37-7 - Enforcement of rules and regulations; jurisdiction of courts, Section 40:37-8 - Copy of rules as evidence, Section 40:37-10.1 - Estimated expenditures; purposes; annual appropriation, Section 40:37-10.2 - Immunity from liability for death, injury, Section 40:37-11.1 - Contract with federal agency for occupation and use of property by federal government or agency, Section 40:37-11.2 - Contract with municipality or administrator of Public Housing and Development Authority for use of lands for veterans' emergency housing, Section 40:37-11.3 - Gifts or trust funds for park purposes; investment, Section 40:37-11.4 - Capital improvement fund; investment of moneys, Section 40:37-11.5 - Indemnification of park police for costs of defense of civil and criminal actions. New Jersey Department of State - Statutes & Rules - Division of Section 40:37A-46 - Creation of authority, Section 40:37A-47 - Dissolution of authority, Section 40:37A-47.1 - Legislative determination, Section 40:37A-48 - Appointment of members; terms; vacancies, Section 40:37A-49 - Election of officers; terms; appointment of agents and employees. U.s. Air Marshal SalaryMarshal salary in the United States is $88,863 as of September 26, 2022. Section 40:48-2.30 - Ordinance to provide what constitutes a nuisance. Section 40:48-2.13 - Removal, destruction of brush, weeds, debris, etc. Section 40:43-66.50 - Duties and function; report of findings and recommendations, Section 40:43-66.51 - Meetings and hearings; application of Open Public Meetings Act; subpenas, Section 40:43-66.52 - Compensation of members; reimbursement of expenses, Section 40:43-66.53 - Budget; apportionment among municipalities; acceptance of aid; facilities and employees; audit. Promotional Opportunities: Police. Section 40:43-66.40 - Petition for formation of joint municipal consolidation study commission; certification of sufficiency; transmittal. Section 40:48-2.12t - Senior Citizen Priority Parking Program created by municipality. You're all set! 3609. 01/15/2023. $85.00. Above you will find the list of exams open Section 40:48F-4 - Forwarding of tax collected. Section 40:41A-126 - Effective date of administrative code, Section 40:41A-127 - Existing resolutions remain in force where not inconsistent, Section 40:41A-128 - Appointments between election and time of taking office under optional plan; pending actions and proceedings, Section 40:41A-129 - Employees in the classified service, Section 40:41A-129.1 - Counties of first class; appointment of aides; unclassified service, Section 40:41A-130 - County administration of civil service, Section 40:41A-131 - Procedures for establishment of county department of civil service, Section 40:41A-133 - Preparation and submission of budget; budgetary process, Section 40:41A-134 - Scope of budget and message, Section 40:41A-138 - Appropriation requests; allotments, Section 40:41A-142 - Person charged; newspapers; qualifications. Above you will find the list of exams open for online filing only. Section 40:66A-4 - Creation of incinerator or environmental services authority. ; federal grants for community centers, Section 40:60-25.1 - Public parking lots; acquisition of land; use of land; leases, Section 40:60-25.2 - Lease of land for parking lot, Section 40:60-25.3 - Improvement and maintenance; employees, Section 40:60-25.4 - Operating expenses; parking fees, Section 40:60-25.5 - Liability of municipality for damages, Section 40:60-25.8 - Municipality may purchase property exempt from taxation because of state contract, Section 40:60-25.9 - Other property may also be purchased, Section 40:60-25.11 - Appropriations; bonds and notes, Section 40:60-25.12 - Intent of act; validity of bonds and notes, Section 40:60-25.13 - Disposition of property; repairs and maintenance, Section 40:60-25.14 - Surrender of tax exemption, Section 40:60-25.15 - Incidental powers of municipality, Section 40:60-25.17 - Inconsistent acts superseded, Section 40:60-25.18 - Industrial property; management, Section 40:60-25.19 - Plant management commission; members, Section 40:60-25.20 - Powers of commission, Section 40:60-25.21 - Revenue from plant operations; dedicated funds, Section 40:60-25.22 - Sale of plants; proceeds pledged to payment of bonds issued, Section 40:60-25.23 - Annual reports by commission, Section 40:60-25.24 - Terms and conditions of leases or sales of plants; approval of contracts, Section 40:60-25.25 - Employment of manager, engineers, etc. Section 40:23-55 - Definitions; impoundment of shopping carts by county. Burlington, formerly known as Burlington Coat Factory, is an American national off-price department store retailer, and a division of Burlington Coat Factory Warehouse Corporation with 631 stores . Section 40:20-10 - Superior Court judge to resolve doubt on right to vote, Section 40:20-11 - Method of voting; results returned, Section 40:20-12 - Ballots; form and content; sample ballots, Section 40:20-13 - Nonpartisan poll book; ballots numbered, Section 40:20-14 - Submission at general election, Section 40:20-15 - Ballot; form and content; counting. Section 40:48-9.15 - Findings, declarations relative to disaster relief funding programs; authorization of grant programs. Section 40:33-7 - County library commission. Section 40:48-2.12n - Findings, determinations, declarations. I don't know if this is real or fake, which is why I wouldn't post the Municipalities and Counties New Jersey Statutes Title 40. marjorie rubin harris / spectrum channel guide birmingham, al / nj title 40 police promotions. Section 40:76-27 - Certain acts prohibited; penalties, Section 40:78-1 - Villages coextensive with township; certain township offices abolished, Section 40:78-2 - Clerk to turn over records; village clerk to act, Section 40:78-3 - Village assessor succeeds township assessor, Section 40:78-4 - Village collector to succeed township collector, Section 40:78-5 - Salaries of assessor and collector, Section 40:79-3 - Municipalities governed by this subtitle; exception, Section 40:80-1 - Special election; petition, Section 40:80-2 - Clerk to call election; notice, Section 40:80-3 - Ballot; number, form and content, Section 40:80-4 - Place of holding election, Section 40:80-5 - Election agents; designated by petition, Section 40:80-6 - Time polls to be open; election officers; report, Section 40:80-7 - Clerk to certify result, Section 40:80-8 - Vote required for adoption, Section 40:80-9 - If majority against adoption no petition for two years, Section 40:80-10 - Corporate existence and name continued, Section 40:80-11 - Elective and appointive officers' terms cease; exceptions, Section 40:80-12 - Inconsistent laws inapplicable; law relating to municipal courts unaffected, Section 40:80-13 - Educational system unaffected, Section 40:80-14 - Sinking fund commissions unaffected, Section 40:80-15 - No proceedings to adopt other government within four years. Section 40:62-135.1 - Residency requirements for employees of commission operating certain water system. New Jersey Statutes | Title 40 - MUNICIPALITIES AND COUNTIES - Casetext Section 40:66A-8 - Incinerator, environmental services authority charges. Section 40:55D-95 - Storm water management plan, ordinance; requirements. Section 40:33-13.6 - Resolution; public inspection; publication, Section 40:33-13.7 - Board of trustees; membership; appointment; vacancies; compensation, Section 40:33-13.8 - Organization of board; officers; term of office, Section 40:33-13.9 - Boards as body public and corporate; powers, Section 40:33-13.9a - Regional library administrators, duties, Section 40:33-13.11 - Proposal of sum required for operation and expenses; objections; determination, Section 40:33-13.12 - Assessment and levy of taxes, Section 40:33-13.13 - Duties of treasurer; annual audit. Section 40:45-20 - Continuation of provisions for run-off elections, Section 40:45-21 - Run-off elections; adoption or abandonment of provisions; submission by ordinance or petition to voters; vote necessary. Section 40:48B-4.1 - Contracts for joint provision of law enforcement services, Section 40:48B-4.2 - Merging of bargaining units, Section 40:48B-14 - Office of joint municipal tax assessor; establishment, Section 40:48B-15 - Appointment of joint municipal tax assessor, personnel; apportionment of operating costs, Section 40:48B-16 - Term; reappointment; removal, Section 40:48B-17 - Assessors holding office on effective date of this act, Section 40:48B-18 - Employees deemed employees of municipality having largest apportionment valuation on effective date of act, Section 40:48B-19 - Function of assessor; records, Section 40:48B-20 - Termination of joint agreement, Section 40:48B-21 - Applicability of Consolidated Municipal Service Act. Arrest: Taking physical custody of a person by lawful authority. Section 40:55D-17 - Appeal to the governing body; time; notice; modification; stay of proceedings, Section 40:55D-19 - Appeal or petition in certain cases to the Board of Public Utilities, Section 40:55D-20 - Exclusive authority of planning board and board of adjustment, Section 40:55D-21 - Tolling of running of period of approval, Section 40:55D-22 - Conditional approvals. Section 40:48-1.7 - Private outdoor video surveillance camera registry. Section 40:37-262 - Powers of park police. Section 40:69A-60.5 - Appointment of executive secretary, aides. Section 40:55D-44 - Reservation of public areas, Section 40:55D-45 - Findings for planned developments, Section 40:55D-45.1 - General development plan, Section 40:55D-45.2 - Contents of general development plan. Section 40:68A-44 - Authority to issue bonds; bond resolution, Section 40:68A-46 - Sale of bonds; interest, Section 40:68A-47 - Filing copy of bond resolution; publication of notice; limitation of actions, Section 40:68A-48 - Agreements with bondholders, Section 40:68A-49 - Default in payment of series bonds; appointment of trustee; powers, Section 40:68A-50 - Appointment of receiver; powers and duties, Section 40:68A-51 - Personal liability on bonds; not debt or liability of state, county or municipality, Section 40:68A-52 - Negotiability of bonds, Section 40:68A-53 - Real property; acquisition; condemnation, Section 40:68A-54 - Construction or operation of port system; additional powers; relocation of facilities, Section 40:68A-55 - Aid and co-operation of local units, Section 40:68A-56 - Sale, lease, loan, grant or conveyance to municipal port authority, Section 40:68A-57 - Appropriation of money by local unit, Section 40:68A-58 - Contracts for use or lease of port system, Section 40:68A-59 - Mortgage, pledge or disposal of port system; exceptions, Section 40:68A-60 - Exemption from execution, Section 40:68A-61 - Payments in lieu of taxes, Section 40:68A-62 - Bonds as legal investments, Section 40:68A-64 - Pledge of state to bondholders, Section 40:68A-65 - Banks authorized to give undertaking; deposits, Section 40:68A-67 - Filing certified copies of bond resolutions and annual budgets, Section 40:69A-1 - Election on question whether charter commission shall be elected, Section 40:69A-2 - Election of charter commission members at same time public question is submitted, Section 40:69A-3 - Candidates for charter commission, Section 40:69A-5 - Organization of charter commission; quorum; majority required for effective recommendations, Section 40:69A-6 - Vacancies in charter commission, Section 40:69A-7 - Duties of charter commission, Section 40:69A-8 - No compensation; expenses of commission members; consultants and assistants, Section 40:69A-9 - Hearings; public forums, Section 40:69A-10 - Report of charter commission; copies, Section 40:69A-11 - Discharge of charter commission; change of recommendation; amended report, Section 40:69A-12 - Report and recommendations, Section 40:69A-13 - Number of council members and wards; recommendations, Section 40:69A-14 - Form of question submitted to voters, Section 40:69A-15 - Ballots; submission of question of adoption of optional plan of government, Section 40:69A-16 - Special charter or specific amendments of charters; petition to legislature, Section 40:69A-17 - Other proceedings pending; no new resolution or petition within 4 years, Section 40:69A-18 - Adoption of optional plan without charter commission, Section 40:69A-19 - Petition for election upon adoption of optional plan of government, Section 40:69A-20 - Submission of question, Section 40:69A-21 - Other proceedings pending; no new petition within 4 years, Section 40:69A-22 - Vote in favor of change in form of government.