Only bein 16 Id picked up some of a northern accent and the only people that ever said anything were my closest buddies. How Google-able is it? If something is rare we say it is SCARCE AS HENS TEETH. You yankees were just jealous of what we had.You couldnt make it yourself so you came to steal it from southerners. ( not all northerners are judge mental ass holes.. Not everyone that lives in the south is like that though. Instead of saying something is none of your business. Copyright 2020 | Tous droits rservs |. Very true. I heard it so many times, I started saying it too. The South has a tradition of military service as well. Im gonna beat yore tail Daily. Im from Dayton,tx and our way of saying thank you is fuck you with something hard and sandpapery bitch!! Over Yonder- Over There Speak for yourself DWK. how southerners pronounce atlanta - Heres a couple of mean ones: Another saying that I remembered after returning to the South, the Sweat is running down my back, thru my crack. Dont yall be makin fun my southern people. We were better than you, you cold hearted yanks. Im from Dixon county tn I have lived in ms la No question about it you, my friend, are southern!!!! You know those little sticker things that get stuck on your clothes when you walk through the grass? I dont know if the line is in AL or central TN (bka Middle TN) or MS or LA, but the farther west you go and once you reach that aforementioned line, the pronunciation of pecan changes from PEE-can to puh-KAHN.. We have liberal and democratic views. Honey the war was not about slavery. So as long as you keep your yankee ass up north and dont come pass the mason Dixon line we all here in the south will be just fine as long as we dont see ya. I was born in the South and raised in both the North and South. I'm asking because I used to pronounce that second T (To-RON-to) until bumping into a native who told me the locals pronounce it To-RON-no, which reminded me of how we drop the second T in Atlanta. Southerners don't say "you guys"they say "y'all." 3. well butter my bisquet and call it done To be clear, I dont switch back & forth because Im not genuine. (for your information real Skins are racists at all). Come here and give me some sugar. Apparently you havent lived here long enough to learn to love the charm of the Southern way of life. How to Pronounce Southern? (and why it sounds nothing like 'south') ", So long as you NEVER say "AT-A-LAN-TA" (like the beer), then you're good. Yall: its never you guys but yall. Maury County is pronounced Murray County. Down here in Mobile, we dont actually say Mom and them, it usually comes out more like Hey yall! I am NOT too lazy to add sugar nor do I find packets when I ask for it at restaurants. Dont make assumptions yall, and bless your heart. Ice Tea should be so sweet your teeth hurt!!! Third way. My mama grew up in south Georgia. You must have never traveled. Yall be barkin up the wrong tree ya lil brat. What are the chances that he will be made to feel unwelcome just because hes form NJ? Not just a south GA thing, We say up here in Ol Kentucky too!!! Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus. Where I live someone who lives passed the Jackson or the Tupelo area in Mississippi is a Yankee. i say i am plan out kuntry i dont say country i say kuntry, It would be chevys bad GMC bc Ford aint worth a crap Weve never called a remote control a clicker or changer. NORTHERN-SUPREMACY. Try central Canada. Serve over ice in Tea glasses on average a glass that holds 2 to 3 cups of tea. I am dreading admitting this, but my idjit brother moved to NEW YORK. fractions? A mansion in the north is at least double the cost for a reason. You should move to Coastal SC. Start a Yankee forum if youre so lonely you have to be where us southerners are. I have said Yall all my life as well. Really quite beautiful without the nasal twang of some regions. Southern Virginia, along say.. the US-58 corridor is about the most southern youll get in the state. Yall /you guys. Its all good, David. My daddy and I have always said Dumber than a bag a hammers. I think that a lot of non-Southerners have moved to VA /Washington DC area because they are retired Military. (You can probably trace that to a combination of the Great Migration to the North in general and KC in particular, in this case, during the early decades of said phenomenon, Kansas Citys meatpacking industry, and the close or relative proximity of pig farms and cattle ranches in both the Midwest (MO, NE, etc.) I hope youll just take away one thoughtnone of us are perfect but if we just look for the positive and not expect negative, we would have a much better world! Also, I would love to see you Knockout a fraction of the Southerns I was rasied with. Fricker! Knowledge does not necessarily equal intelligence or wisdom. Boil water 2.) Or with a different accent? My friend in Louisiana can argue all day long we aint southern but I am, and I can say that proudly. Must be somethin purty good about the south! I always thought of it as the northern most southern state and the southern most northern state lol. That is all. Southerners are not the arrogant imbeciles you claim we are. I also say sweeper, rather than a vacuum. I wrote an article about a Southern Belle deciphering Northern slang. And by the way everybody who is home grown in the south drops there gs Northern Virginia is not the south. #LovetheSouth #GoDawgs Follow Lauren on Twitter. Bless your heart, sugar. I guess I am a yankee, but where I always visited in tx I always came home noticing how much more friendly yall were than us yankees. But damn, proving me wrong. In terms of accent, its strongest forms include southern varieties of Appalachian English and certain varieties of Texan English. The Senior Officers told me to NEVER lose the accent as people would pay attention to what I had to say. And everybody down here knows that the plural of yall is all yall. No one told you to come down here so stop whining about it put ur big girl draws on and see yourself out. Here in north Alabama, we say nem. I guess Im not as much of a lady as you, I would have had to given them a Bless your heart, you are so rude and dont even know it!!) Hey, Im justa tellin it like it is, Well its easy to see where ELIZABETH comes from, the Windy City shes blowin allot hot air, might neer too big fer her britches, Kristin theres a few more They are English. Northern people are so full of them self they should not make fun of southerners accent. Okso Im from Ohio (Southeartern) what kind of Yankee Im is? Yall can comment below. in the server error log. *Youd* **SO**!! You aint a true southerner, and you need a good whuppin to knock some sense into ya. I agree. They are still doing it and have been at it for 40 years so thats why our kids dont know who Audie Murphy is but know who Jesse Jackson is. Unless, I dunno, you believe time travel or some shit. Educate yourself and seek guidance for your narrow simple mind. I grew up on The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pachelbel, Gershwin, Shakespeare, Poe, Dostoevsky, Eddie Izzard and Mel Brooks. are some of the roots if not THE roots of the Southern accent. We havent seen or heard any June bugs in quiet awhile. 5.) And if yakees hate it here so much, why are they moving here? New Mexico, Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas, Florida and southern California is in the south as well. No, I never lived in the south but I was ALWAYS in them parts while I was growing up. CLAP-CLAP-CLAP!) Georgia-born humorist and best-selling author Lewis Grizzard conveyed the ambivalence of many white southerners who embraced the economic and material benefits of Sunbelt prosperity while remaining skeptical and sometimes resentful of some of the social and political changes that accompanied these gains. down the bayou up the bayou- Not in reference to going down there and then coming back, but two separate locations. Focus people, focus. Preach on my southern brothers and sisters down south. LOL, I heard this way back, but I cant remember if it was in the south or in the north. And by the way, if you live in the South, that construction is going to take five years just to pave two lanes. I always drop the g off of words ending in ing. c o m p u t e r a n d l o o k a r o u n d y o u . Well shit fire usually followd w/ save matches by a second person. They teach what they want u to know in school but Im sure you can search the web or hit up the good ole fashion library. Try to remember that. ). Theres no need for it South of the line. Most Oregonians know to pronounce this word "sham-POO-ee." 1. My familys all from good ol Tennessee, and we use the sayin Thats just as fucked up as a football bat, just as much as supper instead of dinner like them white people up near Oregon say and shit. They just dont understand that Southern Deutsch. Have a good weekend. In Texas, and in Oklahoma, its still yall although in Oklahoma it is often closer to the full you all. But you guys rarely to never. Im not sure if this is a true southern expression. Don't let scams get away with fraud. Believe it or not, we dont all parade around in our Ford F1-50s with Confederate flags hanging off the ends. It wouldnt surprise me did the whole reason the US was 14th in education was single handedly abused by you sideways thinking, fact warping, bigoted and delusional assholes. These states formed the Confederacy and the Confederate constitution. The Union made it plain they fought for the union to be preserved. I was raised in one of them places and we have our city parts but overall we are pretty southern. in E. Ky. and Southern W. Va. its dumd as a stump. The 9% are the average. 1. 3. I swear Ill never move to the north!! And i like Pepsi and coke!!! I do use few southern terms and do not have a strong accent. mobile home parks in crystal river, florida. My son has told me that he never wants to live anywhere but here in Alabama. So would I be considered a Yankee. An overall trend toward celebrating the history and originality of our homes is displacing ultramodern aesthetics and sharp lines as we all look . That's because many southerners use the brand name "Coke" as the generic, "coke," meaning any soft drink. I like to (here in Alabama the heart of Dixie)we like to say yonder whether its round the corner or another state we say it all the time. Even at church, there is prejuidice. To me that is torment. Your behavior is exactly what you spout against. For years, Atlanta's slang words have been in movies and TV shows like Donald Glover's "Atlanta," and music videos like "Dat Way," by the Migos. We never say that. Amazing insights, Laurie! For instance, you don't need to know much to know that anything with "stink" in its common name is best left alone. A mansion in the north is at least double the cost for a reason. All is good. So once again shut your mouth about things that dont concern you. My comments are true Im waiting to see if they get removed because readers like you dont want to read them and know the facts. The Great Lakes region is very Midwestern too. I havent heard it called a beanie yet. When I heard stories of some Southerners still being upset about the Civil War I never really believed it until now. Southern accents! We are stronger, faster, more educated. Yep, beggerlice it is. Because the word Yankee in the sense you used it in isand for quite some time, has beenstrongly associated with what was eventually renamed the Northeast. Just because we talk slow doesnt mean we are!!! I was being goofy. Washrag (it might also be said warshrag) has already been properly covered. Im an American, and I live in the United States. Atlanta has no ts in it. I love the Southern accent and it discusses me when a Southerner starts talking like a northerner so they dont a fend them. (meaning has turned funky, like spoiled milk) Heres one my greatgrandfather would say in a case of depushity,, meaning a difficult situation. One of my family favorites is ugly as homemade sin, basically a way of saying someone looks inbred. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. You are entitled to your option just as much as I am, I despise the North and I cant wait till the day I move home. My spelling is immaculate, Im in all AP classes, Im nonreligious, and I just might be a hell of a lot more decent than you. Oh and I have a college education. I drink sweet tea.And No dang body round cheer says pop. You can spell cultures but not to. A toboggan is a sled used sliding down hills in winter. If we chose "phonology", however, we'd really have to move Southern Louisiana's vocabulary (neutral ground, banquette, etc.) Well, im from charleston, and they say thing like bless you heart. During the second round of the 1991 NFL Draft, then-league commissioner Paul Tagliabue made a notable gaffe when he announced the selection by the Atlanta Falcons of a quarterback from Southern . 9 Things Only Southerners Say - Business Insider OK Patthe correct spelling is YAL..not ylzso DUHHHH back at ya. In fact, after several brushes with these strange creatures, I go out of my way to avoid them! Don't let the door hit ya' where the good Lord split ya. Most of the South was Agriculture, Trade of Agricultural products (overseas and to the North), Commodities and Naval products (pine tar). They mite visit America cuple weeks, but will return to their native countries to live there. Tigers have finished on top of the Lower South West Football League after comprehensively belting Southerners to the tune of 133 points at the Pemberton Sports Ground. I really feel for anyone learning English as a second language LOL. Nobody cares about your northern ass. Used to be, southerners moved up north to get a better payin job. LOVE the Southern expression, Ill carry you there!!! Yup. Perhaps you could go to a Speech Therapist for help or go up to a Northern State for one year. 14. I grew up on Southern California, but my people were Arkansawyers. Im researching southern culture to legitimize a character in a story Im writing. Enough said for now. You lost the war for a reason. We arent as dumb as we must sound to you. I dont know .run over dog. Thats what we say in North Florida. Thats right Kat, aint no jobs in the South unless you wanna pick cotton, gotta come up North to get a real job and then take awl dat money youz earned an go back South to da nearest pawn shop an done buy yerself da biggest pick up truck an load it wit da finest caviar grits money can buy, enuf fr yer whole family includin yer cuzin, uh, i mean husband, and fr yer sisters, uh dat iz, aunts, jeez its awl confusin wit u Southerners marryin yer cuzins an awl dat! That's as a Mississippi native. (emphasis mine) Do you really mean *BROOKLYN* accents? even though they always seem to show up in July, Im from Maryland (born in the District), I say yall, pocketbook and my favorite from my grandmother Corned ham son of a biscuit eater!. Gee, Aric. Better check your blood line. Im a redneck girl and damn proud of it. He was not inbred or homosexual. We are essentially Chicagoans. How to say Atlanta. Our church. Damn yungunz. We all live in the USA. We also eat fried green tomatoes and fried cheese sticks. Good business man as a general rule equates to heartless vulture no matter where you are. I am proud of the strides weve made. Lets give peace a chance. @Marci Thanks a lot! (That city being itself on the Gulf Coast. My southern love has no respect for anything other than my ancestral histories and pride in the morality and tenacity of what it took in character to settle untamed wilderness while maintaining a civil tradition you and those blights of humanity who believe some shameful war has any bearing on us and our obligation to create a better future for all do not have. At-LAN-ta. Without breaking down most of the rest of your comment, it *looks* like a **DRAW** to ***ME***!!! I was raised by my grandmother who had two uncles killed in the Civil War. My mothers side of the family is Northern. And if you have absolutely NO consideration for others, what makes you so much better than us? Good luck and please, be quiet. After reading all the posts I got the impression that if we are polite and respectful, we will be fine. Thats because South Louisiana (the Acadiana region; New Orleans, etc.) I am on here to research names for a new business. Im for equality. Its kind of like beginning to tear someone up, but with love. til you get home. I came here out of curiosity and wound up reading so much nonsense. Hi all my name is Brandon Smith. Im fixin to move to Tennessee with my family as soon as I graduate high school. Dumb as a box of rocks. Here's why Southerners refer to all soft drinks as 'coke' THEY ARE INCAPABLE OF DRIVING WITH ANY DISTRACTIONS. I am from the north. And dilly dally is the same as lollygaggin. My grandmother was from Ocilla , she always said I swaunee, that was her way of not takin the Lords name in, Absolutely! .respect each we can play some kick ass football up here too! Is it because we are below the mason Dixon? Get an education you inbred morons, we are superior to you. Road Im from So.California (hey, does that make me southern? Yall have a nice day now, yhear? You are a writer, Midwesterner? What do you not agree with. And the more common of these two definitions: A member of New York Citys American League baseball team! This is great! Rude Im from New York, and still find it rude. Republicanism does not in any way relate to Communism. 4/10, from central ky myself must be because I know of it but never have i heard someone using it in the context or way it was made for. I am from Michigan, I say Dumb as a box of rocks another one of my favorite saying is shit or get off the pot if you are moving to slow in traffic or whatever. Awesome way of life, none to compare. Ive only ever heard it in southern middle Tennessee and extreme north Alabama. But just remember, not all of us gave up. You say we are narrow-minded and stupid. Waving to your neighbor, hugging ppl actually caring even if it means less for you. We say fixinuh, which comes from fixin to, which means Im starting the process of doing something. It sounds like youre some kind of know-it-all that came down to slum it for the weather and low cost of living a carpetbagger, in other words. Glenwood High School Yearbook, I say that and they wont ever leave us alone. how the birds got their colours script. In fact, as per linguist Erik R. Thomas in A Handbook of the Varieties of English, non-rhotic accents once covered a vast territory south of the Mason-Dixon line, stretching to parts of the country we would . Once here with an open mind, theres a LOT to enjoy. We drink and figure it out. How about Mamanem. Youre exactly what these people are talking about. Im Canadian and find myself saying yall sometimes. Answer (1 of 8): There's a lot of differences. I moved my kids up north for one year, they breezed thru that year. My people have the biggest hearts and finest character of anyone you could ever know. Would you suggest starting with a free platform like WordPress or I just recently went to New York right before Christmas, and it was no colder than here at home. I would lay the whooping on you. Some linguists say that back in the colonial period, there were just two major dialect groups among English speakersNew England and everyone else. Meanin lipstick on a pig doesnt make it a lady. ..tail over here, tail in gear, etc. Way to show your ass! My parents were the ones who educated me on the faux myth of Southern hospitality. A lot of Southerners have a bad habit of giving lip service for things they have no intention of doing, an example would be, come on over sometimes for dinner, and yet they have no intention of ever actually inviting you to their house for dinner. Brown paper bag . Its used as more of a mild form of pity for someone, but in the kindest, best possible way. It doesnt matter how someone speaks its their ignorance that makes them a piece of crap! The air is full of salt from the gulf and yet, we do not even notice it anymore There really aint no place like it. Have a great 2016. THEY SEEM TO BE ALLERGIC TO SIGNALING. Also, I dont know if Dumb as a box of rocks is only a Southern saying, but I had a college roommate from South Georgia who used it all the time. Gainesville Folks Southern Kitchen. what companies are owned by penske? i reckon i might do this/that. But its usually the way you wrote it, one big word. Shelbyville is pronounced Shovelvull. Speakers of broad Southern American Pronunciation have easily noticeable vowels. Another thing, to all of us Southern girls, no matter how old we are, he will ALWAYS be daddy to us, and nothing else. That darn thing will cause World War III, specially in SEC football season. Im from NC (parents are from SC and GA, family roots go back to LA) just found out the devils beatin his wife is a specifically Southern term I thought it was at least all over the east coast! I live in Wisconsin right now. I dont want to seem rude just because of where I grew up not giving me the same cultural manners as our new home Thank you! When I came to home sweet home Is caught in the middle. As an adult, I lived a year in Europe. Atlanta is NOT a Southern City, never was. 5. Also she would look up and say its goin to be a beautiful day, ther rid enough blue to make a Dutchmans pants. Yall do well to remember that the war was not lost or won by either side. I am sorry you are being disrespected. @Okie Farmer But I must say one thang.. Yall damn Yankees up in the north are the biggest most selfish judgmental rude assholes I have ever fkn met! I am from the south and I find myself and many others to be more intelligent than you. But don't expect to hear a lot of Southern accents. We lost. Yesterday my 10 year old daughter comes home crying from her field trip saying a teacher yelled at her for asking to use the restroom, her group was rushed out of the museum and didnt have time to use them. And I dont give a care whether ya like it or not. WE (YANKEES) HAVE COKE IN EVERY SINGLE DRIVE THRU UP HERE. LET A YANKEE HELP YOU OUT! I wrote that somewhat hastily! Tap- Sleep (Tap out) Yu kin always till a southerner , because they often spek ta strangers and ad very friendly. Thinkstock. Speakers of broad Southern American Pronunciation have easily noticeable vowels. Be nice, and theyll be nice to you, but dont come down to the South expecting them to change their ways. how southerners pronounce atlanta how southerners pronounce atlanta. did we add reckon? LOTS of northern whites enslaved African human beings. Bless Your Heart: if youve heard this, especially from a Southern woman, she doesnt mean it. Those extremely fake manners and fake charm can be referred to as politeness. I would like to say on behalf of my fellow Southerners that we are not all racists, or drunks, or homosexuals. We drop the g on all words. You are obese ( highest obesity in the country) illiterate (lowest test scores in education) and soft (New Yorkers kicks your teeth out Detroit is too tough for a southern, Boston rips you a new one Montana Mountain Men, Nebraska, Washington, Alaska lumberjacks North Dakota, etc) (you are cupcakes compared to us).