If you were to ask a Oneness Pentecostal to provide a proof-text for Oneness Theology, it is very likely that first passage that you will hear is Deuteronomy 6:4, which is Israels shema, essentially the thesis statement on the paper of the Jews. He disproves Oneness arguments and establishes Trinitarian truth. A Definitive Look at Oneness Theology: In the Light of Biblical All of the arguments both for and against Oneness beliefs seem valid and to me come down to se It is extremely well written, but wasn't the best choice for my needs. Hence, exegetically these passages do not indicate that the Son was a mere instrument of creation (as Jehovahs Witnesses and Mormons believe), nor, as Oneness teachers argue, these passages indicate that the Son was only a thought or plan in the Fathers mind when the Father (Jesus divine nature) created all things. The North American Mission Board is not affiliated with SEND International or its SEND events. If Jesus were the Father, as Oneness believers contend, one would expect to find a clear example of thisat least one passage (cf. . (BDAG, 46). His will is one with the will of the Father. He had never heard anything of being born of water. Forty times in Johns Gospel, Jesus refers to himself as sent by the Father, but never does he refer to himself as the Father who sent the Son, Further, Isaiah 9:6, is no help for Oneness advocates trying to prove Jesus is the Father- See Isaiah 9:6: Oneness Refuted, 1. "Michael Burgos has produced a brilliant blend of systematic theology and biblical exegesis with a detailed and thorough discussion of the main passages at the center of the dispute between Oneness Pentecostalism and traditional trinitarianism. . ISBN-10: 0692644067. Why Don't United Pentecostals Wear Makeup or Jewelry? Get the Facts But the argument that Jesus Christ is the secret answer to the riddle, "What is the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy . Some Pentecostal denominations, often referred to as Apostolic Pentecostals, Oneness Pentecostals or Jesus-Only Pentecostals, take the . The church has branded Oneness theology as heretical since the days of Noetus at the end of the second century. [3] BDAG defines allos here as pert[aining] to that which is other than some other entity, other . Atlanta: Atlanta Christian Apologetics Project, 1994. Learn the Beliefs and Practices of the UPCI - Learn Religions This is because in Acts 2:38, we see a manifestation of this command. He also has a good section on . It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. ' Note the first person plural verbs (eleusometha, We will come, and poisometha, We will make). , Dimensions Oneness Pentecostalism - Apostolic Archives International They believe that Jesus and the Father are one essential person, though operating as different modes. 5. In many debates and particularly in his book The Oneness of God, Dr. David K. Bernard argued that the declarations in the Old Testament are so powerful that they dismiss any conception of plurality within the Godhead. Moreover, significant Christian church councils affirmed the Trinity and explicitly rejected Oneness doctrine: e.g., Council of Nicaea (325); Chalcedon Creed (A.D. 451); Council of Constantinople (A.D. 381); etc. , Language Other preachers, such as Frank J. Ewart and John G. Scheppe, joined McAlister in his non-trinitarian perspective. Matthew 28:19 and Acts 2:38 Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Today it is predominately African-American and is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana. Answering Oneness arguments - Let Us Reason Bible Way Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ World Wide, Inc. (Bible Way)-250,000 The arguments can get a bit technical for people who do not know Greek, but Dalcour communicates so well that one is able to follow him. For the Son of Man in Oneness theology was not the Father, but the human Son who emerged not until Bethlehem, but here, the Son of Man came from heaven, that is, the Son (cf. Matthew 28:19 clearly reflects the trinitarian concept that the name (authority and characteristics) of the one God is incorporated in the three Persons of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (see 1 Cor. This case of marked distinction is also evident when Jesus differentiates Himself from God the Holy Spirit: I will ask the Father, and He will give you another [allon]3 Helper, that He may be with you forever (John 14:16; also see 14:7, 10, 26). Oneness Pentecostals believe that the title "Son" only applied to Christ when he became flesh on earth, but that Christ was the Logos or Mind of the Father prior to his being made human, and not a separate person. Where in the Scripture does it say that God is unitarian? It is certainly possible that various cultures developed the basic design arrangement independently. What is Oneness doctrine? | GotQuestions.org Jesus Only Churches. Pray and trust the Holy Spirit to lead you as you share. This book is well researched and more than enough to satisfy any challenges to the Trinitarian position. 11:27; Luke 10:22; John 7:29). 36: But I said to you that you have seen Me, and yet do not believe., 38: For I have come down apo tou ouranou, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me, 41: Therefore the Jews were grumbling about Him, because He said, I am the bread that came down ek tou ouranou, 42: They were saying, Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? Deuteronomy 6:4: Hear, O Israel! I found this web page, looked promising to refute Oneness theology. . 1. First, that seems to be an ad hoc measure to circumvent the meaning of the text. ; and there is a Japanese form, again with no religious significance. the God)], and [kai] the fellowship of the [tou] Holy Spirit be with you all. . Well, this would be to ignore all of the prepositions of this passage. Focus the discussion on the essential elements of the Christian faith. The AmazonSmile Foundation will automatically donate 0.5% of the purchase price to your selected charitable organization. This is an important reminder of the need to respond to contemporary . Consider this, Trinitarians, not Oneness believers, conducted all of the major revivals worldwide. That may be the case. 1:2). John 17:5: Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself [para seaut] with the glory which I had/possessed [eichon] with You before the world was., John 19:25: Therefore the soldiers did these things. He has exgsato [lead out, unfold, declare, Thayer, 1996: 223] Him (the Father). This interpretation is not an attempt to understand the text. Further, the idiom in the name of does not always refer to a reciting of the name. 3:16; Jn. Reviewed in the United States on February 6, 2021. The Son said that He *HAD* glory *before* timewith (para) the Father. They maintain that the only real person in the Godhead is Jesus. Nonetheless, historic Christianity maintains that the doctrine of the Trinity (or tri-unity of God) is taught in Scripture. Edited by Daniel G. Reid. As marked out below, Jesus also differentiates Himself from God the Holy Spirit. Father) to glorify Him together with Him (para seaut, thus, a shared glorification, a glory that only God can have, Isa. a. Spatial: near, beside, b. As a former Oneness Pentecostal Church member, Home Missionary, Assistant Pastor, Youth Director, and District Youth Board Member, I want to thank Pastor Michael Burgos for writing this fine book. John 3:5 should not be read in a vacuum. God, according to United Pentecostals, is not three distinct persons, as in the Trinity doctrine, but three "manifestations" of the one God. 4. There are tongues for edification (this one is necessary for salvation) and the gift of tongues (this one is not necessary for salvation). 1:20-21). His knowledge of living water from the Old Testament (Jeremiah 2:13, Isaiah 12:3, 58:11, etc) should have informed him. Learn more. The reason that I am doing that is because Oneness Pentecostalism is often not understood by trinitarian Christians. Questions Oneness Pentecostals Don't Ask: A Review - MRBurgos.com No single translation or human interpretation can be regarded as infallible. Pentecostal - Schisms and Sects Oneness Pentecostals have a distorted notion of the Trinity and need someone to show them the scriptural teaching of the Trinity, David Kowalski writes. That God the Father and Jesus are inseperably the same person/being/entity/substance/everything. If you are interested in learning, I recommend you view my series Oneness Pentecostal Heresy. Reviewed in the United States on October 24, 2018. In doing so, they will think that they have mounted a proper argument against trinitarian theology because they believe that the doctrine of the trinity states that there are three gods. And over two hundred times, Scripture speaks of the Holy Spirit and Jesus as distinct persons- and Never once does Scripture call Jesus the Father or the Holy Spirit.. Recently, a few evangelicals have tried to label Oneness Pentecostal churches as cultic. 6. Let's look at the Foursquare Church and United Pentecostal Church International and see how hey differ. Jesus then reiterates (as a corrective) that by seeing Him they can see, that is, know or recognize the invisible Father (v. 9). The following chapters are spent systematically refuting the Oneness doctrine of God as well as their arguments against the doctrine of the Trinity. 9 Faith Groups That Reject the Trinity - Learn Religions - Guide to the The largest oneness movements today are the United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI) and the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW). Different prepositions: Throughout John chapter 14 (and chaps. Oneness Versus Trinity - Spiritual Abuse The name of the Holy Spirit is Jesus. Michael Burgos Jr., Against Oneness Pentecostalism: An Exegetical-Theological Critique (Winchester, CT: Church Militant, 2016). Please try again. Modalism is the belief that one God existed in time in three distinct modes of being: first as the Father in heaven; second, bodily as the Son on earth; and finally as the Holy Spirit. But in spite of where or when it first appeared, it has been associated to a vast number of meanings through time. 32 To illustrate their arguments against Oneness groups, the following quotes from a book on cults by Bruce Tucker, an evangelical author, are Dan. They could also cite many of the various declarations of monotheism throughout the Old Testament, thus establishing that there is only one God. When somebody is born again, they will show the evidence of speaking with new tongues. Against Oneness Pentecostalism: An Exegetical-Theological Critique Paperback - March 17, 2020 by Michael R. Burgos (Author) 15 ratings Hardcover $35.00 1 New from $35.00 Paperback $24.99 1 Used from $19.04 2 New from $22.99 Oneness Pentecostalism constitutes one of the world's largest non-trinitarian expressions of Christianity. Few religions are against COVID vaccine based - The Columbus Dispatch Check out John 14:8-9, Philip said, Show us the Father and that will be enough. Jesus said to him, Have I been with you such a long time, and yet you have not known Me Philip? also John 15:26; 16:28). Behind this question lay a criticism of the commonly-held Trinitarian Pentecostal argument that the name of Jesus in baptismal texts from . 4:30; Heb. To be sure, Modalism embraces another Jesus, another Gospel, and another Spirit. Mark 16:17: These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will speak with new tongues Phil. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all (2 Cor. If you were to join a Oneness Pentecostal church, what would your experience be? 31; A. T. Robertson, Word Pictures, 4:478-79; and cf. Thus, they are often referred to as the Jesus Only Movement. It is an attempt to get around what the text is saying so that their doctrine will prevail. But in verse 5, he says that he wishes everybody spoke in tongues, indicating that everybody does not speak in tongues. 6 If Jesus is the Father, why is it that Jesus is explicitly referred to as the Son over two hundred times in the NT, and never once is he called Father? Christian Life College-Stockton, Calif. . Melton, J. Gordon. At the time Boyd was full of zeal and all sorts of emotion, which comes out on nearly every page of Oneness . Read instantly on your browser with Kindle for Web. Wallace, GGBB, 368; Greenlee, A Concise Exegetical Grammar of New Testament Greek, 5th ed. 2 John 1:3- Jesus is the Son of the Father). Arguing unipersonalism (unitarianism) assumes a conclusion that is meant to be proved. I have a friend who is try to understand he trinity. What's the best argument against oneness Pentecostals, people who believe Jesus is the father, son and Holy Spirit? [2] Cf. Nevertheless, they are the same person, not two separate persons. That the Son was the Creator clearly disproves the Oneness position. Why did I do this? The Oneness-Trinitarian Pentecostal Dialogue: Exploring the Diversity 6th ed. Several verses are quoted to establish this view, such as Colossians 2:9 (NKJV), For in Him (Jesus) dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Oneness theologians would argue that if the Father and the Son were separate, then the Godhead could not fully dwell in Christ. Some scholars believe it to be Celtic in origin, and it is sometimes called the Irish Trinity Knot. There are some who are trained very well in Oneness theology and know how to maneuver through the various arguments and counter-arguments. 2. (or that God exist as one person?). Second, when did the Son have this glory (which only God has, Isa, 42:8)? To avoid the plainness of the passage (namely, the preexistence of the Son and His personal distinction from His Father), Oneness teachers argue that the glory that Jesus (the Son) had with the Father, only signified the future glory or plan in the Fathers mind, thus anticipating the Sons coming at Bethlehem. all about me: Oneness Pentecostalism - Blogger We work hard to protect your security and privacy. Now, I recognize that this may be vulnerable to the counter-strike that the author simply did not record them speaking in tongues, but they probably still did. If the Father and the Son are the same person, then the Oneness teachers have a difficult job explaining how the Father and the Son can love each other (See Matt. According to the Scriptures, apologetics is Download the Quick Takes with Kevin Podcast to hear NAMB president Kevin Ezell talk with pastors across the country about how to navigate diverse ministry challenges. He said that he and the Father are one. asserting that God is one person) and (b) the basic theological errors of Oneness theology (e.g., denying the deity of the Son). Of course, this is a mischaracterization. Against Oneness Pentecostalism: An Exegetical-Theological Critique Hence, it is God the Son who is the very image of the invisible Father (cf. Oneness folks like yourself typically cherry-pick passages (esp. The Global Witness (UPCI) 2 Cor. Pentecostal Beliefs About Hair & Skirts - Synonym Example: in Isaiah 54:5, Maker is plural in Hebrew, lit., Makers; same with Psalm 149:2 where Maker is in the plural in Hebrew. Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. If you are going to claim that there is a pattern in the book of Acts wherein everybody who is filled with the Spirit also speaks in tongues, you have a problem, because that pattern is broken on two occasions. If an individual believes that there are three gods, then they have, in effect, denied the doctrine of the trinity. Speaking in tongues is listed among several other practices, including casting out demons, resisting a snake bite and healing the sick. Against Oneness Pentecostalism: An Exegetical-Theologic But these do suffice in showing that the Bible affirms that God is triune, and militates against Oneness unitarianism. also John 4:40; 14:17, 25). 1:1-13; Jude 1:1; Rev. Preexistence of the Son - Is the Son pre-existing like the Father or did the Father become the Son. Its headquarters and publishing firm, the Pentecostal Publishing House, is located at 8855 Dunn Road, Hazelwood, MO 63042. Please try again. Now I will switch gears from Oneness to their view of water baptism. There is no indication that it, or any other spiritual gift, is required to receive Gods gift of salvation by grace or to be filled with His Holy Spirit (see Eph. 1:17), talk to each other (see John 11:41-42; 12:28; 17:1-26), and know each other (see Matt. 2:10). Oneness Pentecostalism - Apologetics - North American Mission Board - Home Oneness Pentecostals are vehement anti-trinitarians who commonly maintain that the doctrine of the trinity states that there are three gods. The Oneness Pentecostal movements generally teach that to receive and maintain salvation, a person must adhere to four essential requirements. United Church of Jesus Christ (Apostolic) (UCJC-A)-100,000 They maintain that God exists in two modes, as the Father in heaven, and as Jesus the Son on earth. Its pagan, with pagan origins. There are four exegetical features, which provide a cogent refutation to the Oneness handling of this passage. 3:11; 1 John 1:3; 2:22-23; Rev. What Michael Burgos Jr. has produced in Against Oneness Pentecostalism is a helpful book for pastors or churchmen needing a polemical approach against the anti-Trinitarians embedded in our communities and occasionally, our churches. If the Son did not eternally exist with the Father as a distinct person why is it that the Son can say, Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had [or shared, eichon] with You before the world was.? At the 1986 Oneness Symposium, Robert Sabin addresses the charge of whether the UPCI is Christian group or a cult. The term *with* is para in Greek. First they argue that certain prooftexts directly identify Jesus as the Father. How did the Son have (literally, actively possessed) glory with (para) the Father before time if the Son did not exist before Bethlehem? 2:8-9; Titus 3:5). While this book may be helpful insofar as it rehearses typical Oneness Pentecostal views and arguments, it is far from providing a substantial treatment of Scripture or a meaningful interaction with trinitarianism. . Oneness Pentecostals will point to John 3:5 as evidence of that. asserting that God is one person) and (b) the basic theological errors of Oneness theology (e.g., denying the deity of the Son). How Can a Pastor Stay Engaged in Apologetics? Is this even a good argument that Jesus was God? But that is not quite the point of the argument that I am making. The proper mode is immersion in the triune name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 42:8). However, to early Christians (and many today), the triquetra symbolized the Trinity (one God, three persons). Against the Oneness notion (and v. 9), Jesus specifically used two first person PLURAL indicative verbs (eleusometha, We will come and poisometha, We will make Our) abode with him. This is part of chap. 3. 10 Questions to ask Oneness PENTECOSTALS - Department of Christian Defense If God is unitarian, how do you explain passages such as Genesis 19:24 where Yahweh (LORD), rained brimstone and fire from Yahweh out of heaven? Oneness adherents (along with Muslims and Jehovahs Witnesses) wrongly assume that the concept or word one when referring to God (e.g., Deut. In addition, many Oneness advocates rely on the unbiblical revelations received by various Oneness leaders whom they regard as divinely inspired or anointed interpreters of the Bible. Today, however, the strongest anti-trinitarian movement known as the Oneness Pentecostals exists as self-proclaimed Evangelicals. John 9:39) the invisible Father (cf. If God is unitarian, why is it that there are so many places in the Bible where the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are clearly distinguished from each other in the same verse? If Oneness doctrine is biblically true, why then do the biblical authors use grammatical features that personally distinguish between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? Boyd's arguments are dependant mainly on Scripture but he does take some time to delve into the writings of the early Church Fathers (chapter 7) in order to show that the early church was far . Church of Our Lord Jesus of the Apostolic Faith (COLJF)-30,000 UCJC: Institute of Biblical Studies-Baltimore, Md. Wallace, BBGG, 350-51; Robert Reymond, Systematic Theology, 263. Jesus is said to have two natures: human and divine. T. D. Jakes and The Potter's House church | carm.org Third, it may be that Father, Son and Holy Spirit is the one name under which we are baptized. With scholarly precision, Michael Burgos has provided an incisive evaluation of Oneness exegesis and theology while accurately representing the teachings of Oneness Pentecostals. And those (like yourself) who object (due to a mass of misinformation) to the Trinitarian symbol, since they do not have a problem with pagan-origins calendars in their homes, do they have a problem with the Apostle Pauls quotations of pagans writers to make a biblical pointnamely, Epimenides of Crete in Titus 1:12 and Acts 17:28 (referring to Zeus); Aratus of Cilicia in Acts 17:28 (also referring to Zeus); and Menander in 1 Cor. The block of Oneness ministers present urged against such a move but was overruled. Biblically, only Jesus, God the Son, can rightfully represent the Father (because He is God a distinct person from the the Father), and represent man because He is fully man. . 30:3; John 14:23]; Yahweh to Yahweh and Elohim (God) to Elohim correspondences in passages such as Gen. 19:24; Ps. They take this to indicate that Jesus is the Father. 5. And you are pretexting the passage with no consideration of the context of chap. : In sum, John 17:5 the Son first commands/asks (doxason, aorist impart.) The LORD is our God, the LORD is one! Why Oneness Pentecostals have Salvation Wrong (Acts 2:38) and you 8:6; 12:4-6; 2 Cor. Closed-Mindedness How To Be A Good Agnostic Skepticism is Not Worthy of Belief Faith Has Its Reasons A Balanced Perspective on Reason and Faith Investigating Faith: Placing Religious Truth Back Into the Arena of Knowledge Eternity is Not Forever: An Argument for Theism Responding to the Jesus' Words In verse 17, he refers to the Holy Spirit as he and him. Is it really coherent to think that in the next verse, he would refer to the Holy Spirit as himself? Michael Burgos is a Bible teacher at Northwest Hills Community Church in Torrington, CT, and has a Master of Theological Studies from Andersonville Theological Seminary. In 1918, Oneness adherents, needing to develop their own organization after effectively being ousted from Pentecostalism, founded the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, headed by African . . The Son is and has been eternally subsisting as the perfect and exact representation (charaktr) of the very nature (hupostases) of Him (autou, of Him, not as Him; Heb. . Pentecostalism: Spirit-filled Blessing or Dangerous Heresy? In verse 4, he writes that the person who speaks in tongues edifies himself. So what does this verse mean? is a must-read for any serious-minded Christian who wants to be better informed and better equipped to sanctify Christ as Lord . Oneness theology rejects the doctrine of the Trinity, for they are unitarian (i.e., believes that God exists as one personunipersonal). But again Only by removing this passage from the document and immediate context can Oneness teachers posit a modalistic Oneness understanding. Be prepared to explain biblically why you do not believe these are necessary ingredients for salvation or eternal security. First and third person personal pronouns and verb references: Throughout John 14 and 16 Jesus clearly differentiates Himself from the Father. In spite of the (unclear) origins, the Triquetra has a rich meaning that has been used by the early church to signify the Trinity. 2. Michael Burgos, is a modern Pharisee. For example, many in UPCI consider the writings of Frank Ewart and John G. Scheppe as authoritative. So there are good reasons to think that the disciples were not concerned with the words that were recited but with the power and authority of the Trinity. Reviewed in the United States on November 22, 2016. Oneness Pentecostal churches are, therefore, cultic in nature and outside the theological parameters of historic Christianity.