Her second power allows her to cause momentary disruptions in electronic systems: Lights flicker, cameras momentarily go to static, etc. Note that while she cannot enter the ghost realm if observed, she can "prime" herself to enter that state, such that she will then go ghost if unobserved for even a microsecond. They are not affected in any way other than being pushed; the smear effect is likely just Taylors subjective experience of her power, or at most an effect confined to her Breaker-state world. One of the construction worker Taylor's repeated, she had a black smudge across her cheek. Ah I spoke too soon. What I wouldn't give to have seen Miss Militias' face that second between 'Wait where'd they go? ' Weld was also a really fun character to use as the POV. Contessa was using Taylor's trigger to remove her own restrictions and arrange the defeat of some of the world's worst villains. And if I have to read "Then I went ghost" one more time I swear to GoD someone's getting hurt. The name is Weld, nice to meet you.. 40 Any area which is directly observed appears as absolute blackness when in this state, this blackness does not block Taylor's ghost-world vision. I was just surprised. Eventually, Taylor stood, running a hand through her hair as if to clear it from her eyes though it had never been in the way. Based it around the idea that observing a thing changes the thing. In his most even voice, Weld spoke. Taylor discovers that she can also smear the smear (e.g., smearing something up, then smearing the smear itself to the right), resulting in the object following the path of the smear (up then right), if the object is light enough. "An older model, communicator only?". She said, quiet. When Lord Doom steals Armsmaster's tinkertech motorcycle, promptly crashes it, and then flies away into the sky while laughing, "Armsmaster said some things that were probably not PR approved." Anyways, thinking on how a society of totally like-minded individuals would work was pretty fun, though I didn't go into as much detail about it as I could have. Last edited: Nov 17, 2018. Her dad had taken the incredibly intelligent and rational route of coping with this by denying his teenage daughter in Brockton Bay a cell phone for her safety. ", Taylor stared at him unflinchingly, "Producing, shipping and trading. So many things to explore. The Protectorate already knew that the Taylors had a sort of network hivemind, but this went far deeper than that. A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! From the perspective of anyone else, I materialized in my room with a gasp. and crudest form of cataract surgery. Her Shaker power passively causes static to appear for any cameras viewing her when she comes. Taylor can be insane as well. Really enjoyed this. Or maybe you've got something big planned for Taylor to step up with. axe throwing layton Scion and Eden were not mates, as much as they were a drug dealer and her bodyguard/best client - so she gets Blasto to make some weed and hands it to Scion. Sure enough the Taylors at the assembly line worked like clockwork. Day of the Tentacle, where she's a multiple amputee and tinkers up brain-controlled prosthetics. It would have been so much easier to do that. There's chronic pain/illnesses, developmental disabilities like ASD, specific learning disabilities, mental illness, personality disorders, sleep disorders, and various genetic disorders. The old man notes that this is the first time anyone offered him the use of their umbrella, or kindness on such a level as her. Her attempt to use her power to get in shape backfires slightly, as it puppets her body. Why hold back the sleeper cells? "I know we all look identical to you, but each and every Taylor is unique in their own way." Taylor Hebert triggers with a rather strange ability, and this causes the domino effect across the events of Brockton Bay, where creatures of sexual lust and living make their home, and Taylor becomes the Breeder taking care of them. Inspired by the game Breeding Season. Taylor gave a hard look to Weld, "A real one, make no mistake, but one meant as a warning. There are a few pact Alt!powers out ther you might want to check out. She's literally almost out the door before she wakes up and realizes what's going on. And a title! Taylor gets manipulated by Mrs. Abbotson, an old friend of Annette's, in the wake of her first Path- that to getting cookies. ", Weld let his head fall back against his chair. Each time I went through him, the smear effect became more pronounced and I grew more tired. ", Weld glanced up at Piggot, "Is this everything?". Taylor's other two powers do not function in this state. Taylor said. I wake up to find a new story by an author I like. ), Chapter 2.10's Among Us meme was just a joke, stop reading so much into it lol, Alert: Stop talking about whether you feel the new HP should be bought or not, Clarification made in a comment after 1.5, Thinker power activation conditions discussion, decent-sized spoiler revealed later (probably 1.8 or such), Implied in 1.1, but still a decent-sized spoiler for later, Not a spoiler, a visualization aid for the Miss Militia scene. He was a way for Taylor to escape, to be someone else for a little while, a person that had none of her problems or issues. Things are changed beforehand and echoed through the dotted lines of the stations, but not tied to them. "I haven't, I swear. Taylor put a hand to her chest. Methuselah (original vampire alt!power) has some hints of it but might not quite fit. It was a beautiful day and Weld was surrounded by girls. Very intense. Without a word said, the other Taylors relaxed a hair and slowed their pace, giving their coworker time to catch up. Now she must learn to be independent, both as a blind person in her civilian life and as an 'independent hero' in her cape life. Weld wondered if she was going to leap and tackle him. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from [email protected]. When time resumes, smeared objects are pushed in the direction and intensity of said smear. Very interesting fic so far. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", 1. Mind, I was already posting when I saw yours. Whereas Taylor had an actual chair you might expect in an office, Weld only had a solid plastic block, even then the chair groaned as he rested his weight against it. Chapter 1 "Are you already aware of my rules?". Taylor is aptly named Monster. It was huge, heavy and plastic, but it came complete with a headrest and armrests and that was more than Weld ever got. Now this is a lovely day already. She let out a long breath, her expression settling on a more neutral one. For y'all trying to think of fics, remember disability isn't just amputees, paralysis, or being HoH/blind. "Narcissa targeted us early in her campaign and managed to infiltrate us before we understood the full extent of her abilities. "If you don't mind," Taylor spoke and Weld turned to look at her. If Blackwell inexplicably picked up the stress-ball on her desk and lightly tossed it at my face, I probably wouldnt even reflexively blink until it hit me (much less dodge or catch the thing), that was how disassociating the outside perspective of myself was. Taylor sees through the eyes of anyone that has any part of her in their field of vision. Nonetheless I'm the one who Protectorate chose as their representative.". She can process numerous separate perspectives on herself without issue. Breeding Worm HellKing666. TruckerMan. They stared at one another for a long moment, their silence tempered by the staccato of helicopters in the distance. El Ahrairah - Power anaylsis. Skein is unfortunately dead, but I'd consider what's there probably the best use of a Thinker power I can think of in fanfic. You took Brockton Bay over in four weeks and then you just stopped at the city limits. Taylor frowned. 1315 west grand parkway s 101b katy tx 77494 amazon t shirt design custom ink smartthings hub change wifi password. ", Weld's eyes widened and he turned to look at her. She cannot reenter the normal world in any location which is being directly observed by a sapient being, though she can move. Weve got Dragons and Heroes, some better, some worse. Taylor as a vampire based primarily on the Malkavian from Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, with some. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. It was tiny from where he stood. Weld stepped inside the hut and found her already there. The door to Brockton Bay. It makes sense, since shards want their hosts to be active out and about, getting into conflict and such. Weld leaned back, setting the file down. If she really pushes this power, she can blow out light bulbs, but that's the strongest effect she's managed to generate. Using her Shaker ability is tiring, despite the weak effect. When determining whether Taylor is or will be 'observed' for the purposes of allowing/disallowing her to transform to and from her Breaker state, Taylor's Breaker power is much more lenient regarding what 'counts' as 'looking at Taylor', compared to her Thinker power. We will escort you to the bridge. Confirmed, power that seems tailored to disrupting cameras so that she can use her main power actually needed. Intrepid, where she effectively has locked-in syndrome until Faultline arranges for a tinkered suit to compensate. 4. Oh yeah, there's some dead fic which has Taylor die in the locker and shows the consequences a few years later from the perspectives of others. Weld asked, "Forget all the innocent people of Brockton Bay? Taylor and Contessa's last conversation in the fic has Taylor asking Contessa if all her actions were worth it. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Rather than running through someone multiple times, she should stand inside them and spin in circles, that'll really mess them up. Taylor can repeatedly move through objects in the same direction to smear them more and more for greater push force when time resumes. After everything else had gone so well, he had ruined it at the end. Her first ability allows her to see through the eyes of any sapient being who has any part of her in their field of vision. Still blind in one eye, though, fwiw. Thirty feet away and six and a half straight down, cicada larvae slowly crawled underground, most of their 17 year span lived completely out of human view. I want things like Alma Wade!Taylor or Grudge or The Ring!Taylor or Dominion!Taylor. Further, Taylor is unable to locate Ms. Romano in the wake of the Locker, when she went missing, even with PtV, which a vanishingly small number of beings can do (but includes Eidolon, the Endbringers, and Scion). So this is a revisit of an old fic idea I had. There was nothing for Weld to focus on. Contessa. When are you gonna update the rewrite version of that. The power has too many nitpicks and conditions. ", "I'd rather that not happen." Instead of controlling bugs, she's a Tinker who can make tiny drones. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Specifically one where she is the barber. It's interesting to see an alt Taylor who doesn't have major league powers. But I have to agree that is was great. Since both of them were close to each other, both shard buds pinged off each other to communicate and modify each other, and the recursive modification caused a feedback loop that eventually caused Path to Victory to reset itself without any restrictions, She would deny until her dying day that she cried, almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea. So far, Taylor's augments seem to work best if she's been applying her percussive skills beforehand, they need to test the limits of that. A pair hefted a bundle of steel pipes in silent unison and maneuvered past their fellows without even a word of warning. Thoughts as Light as a Feather - Simurgh!Taylor. I flew around to his front, ignoring the time-frozen explosion I passed through to do so. Which, as anyone keeping up with the trigger mechanics explained in Glowworm and expounded upon in Ward knows, implies she was part of a multi-trigger. One fitting a piece together and passing it along just as the other finished. I dont want things like Taylor Varga or Monster or powers where she appears terrifying to others but is in reality harmless like Camera Shy. ", Weld folded his arms very deliberately - he didn't want to scrape them against each other, but as a result it was exaggerated like a stage version of the movement. The way the lines of sight were described was really good, I could constantly vision what was happening with them, so massive props for that. Work Search: Lots of tiny drones. JavaScript is disabled. "We carry the memories of our old selves. Within this realm, Taylor is intangible, able to move freely in any direction at about the equivalent of a brisk jog and phase through solid objects. I'm having trouble figuring out how this would mesh with the overall threat of Worm, so maybe this will be a short story in the universe? ", "And so we forget about everything else?" I can't think of any story where it's just 'Taylor in a wheelchair, living normally'. But before she can make enough to be a serious hero, she'll need some starting capital, and that's much easier to do as a villain TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. This is an alt-power Taylor in the Worm* verse with butterflies in play before the canon locker scene. Weaver Nine - This technically doesn't count since Taylor and Jack Slash switch places so it's a story from Jack's perspective if she was born in Taylor's place but naming this anyway since it has some Thinker power stuff going on. The second part is explained in a bit more detail in the relevant collapsible. She didn't. ], Uber PoV of 1.9-1.13 [mostly canon-compliant! Like a winding river, it may flow past familiar shores or cut its own path through solid rock. Taylor scowled. My story Chimera has Taylor with Grand Admiral Thrawn's memories which makes her a thinker. You are using an out of date browser. Is it different from my other fics? I know I can. Since I was blind in my normal form and paper money all felt the same whether they were Washingtons or Benjamins, I had counted the money by going back and forth between my ghost world while hiding it. "Some files had to be omitted." LF Any fics where taylor is blind either due to trigger or power related or just naturally. When she re-enters the normal world, anything smeared will be pushed along the direction of the smear. She looked decidedly normal. If today has proven anything, it's that I'm working to help. Piggot handed the file to Weld and he took it. It ramps up fast well into Peggy Sue territory on the crackish side --where I am most cofortable. ". The band kids will get Brute ratings just from their training. Going to sleep now. She held a palm out. Alt-power Taylor in the Worm verse with butterflies in play before the canon locker scene. --it does have a different title, so yes. Special Edition - Taylor is a powerful precog. ", "Why do you suddenly want to work with the Protectorate? Camera Shy has a blind Taylor with the ability to see through other's eyes and time-stop-explore as her version of teleportation. "My apologies, Taylor. Taylor would never have imagined that going blind would have improved her life so dramatically, yet so it happened to be. Taylor turned on her heel and headed for the door on her end of the hut. "As far as first impressions go, it doesn't exactly inspire confidence." 5.7 Rondo You're a real tough cookie With a long history Of ruining the hope like whats in me 1.1 Adagio: A slow passage to introduce the setting. Watched. It was hard to make that connection seeing a dozen of the girls working to repair a building. Therapy is a Worm Fanfic by frommerman. Besides himself, of course, but that was better left unsaid. Mutually assured destruction and all that. Might wander into crack territory from time to time. Taylor was in much the same way; her mom had died in a car accident because she had been texting and driving about a year before I met her. When Taylors incorporeal form passes through time-locked objects, they appear to smear, like someone smudged a painting. Taylor has a minor electronic disruption aura, such that she can make lights flicker or devices lose power for fractions of seconds.