The fund will be spent on low carbon projects within South Gloucestershire, such as renewable energy schemes, retrofitting of existing housing stock. South Gloucestershire encompasses large areas of distinctive and high quality built and natural/rural landscape, which should be safeguarded and enhanced, and where possible, incorporated into development proposals. Acceptable development proposal(s) must demonstrate that; a) The siting, form, scale, height, massing, detailing, colour and materials of the development respect, and are informed by, the positive locally-distinctive qualities of both the site and its surrounding context; and. Pro-actively address issues of public concern both actual and perceived. Ensure dovetailing of arrangements between the Magnox and NNB sites. Consider NNB Emergency Planning in the context of development proposals for the surrounding area. Once a DCO and its constituent development strategy, phasing and supporting infrastructure proposals have been consented, any NSIP related development proposals/ amendments or related applications will be assessed against the DCO and in combination with the overall development proposals. Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, 7. The relationships we have built through the Covid-19 pandemic are central to this and that new community conversation will grow further through the development of these very local-level relationships. Both positive and negative effects are therefore addressed in the table of themes and issues, set out in the supporting text. As a council We Care. Given the scale, complexity and duration of larger NSIPs, mechanisms and contingencies to enable the modification of mitigation to address unanticipated project impacts. All land use, development, demolition and waste planning proposals should be set within the context of an agreed strategic masterplan. To do this, we increasingly need to have commercial ambitions and will continue to invest in land and property where there is a robust financial business case to generate a return on investment. We have a valued heritage and green spaces and businesses that command high ambition and a presence on the global stage. 18. We have a strong track record of managing our finances and achieving savings, whilst continuing to deliver high quality, value for money services. South Gloucestershire Council to drop regional growth plan 15 January 2020 Getty Images The regional scheme outlined plans for 105,000 new homes A second council is set to abandon the joint. To support engagement throughout the planning and implementation stages for a proposed NNB, the Council will: In advance of substantive pre-application engagement with the project promoter, prepare a Pre-Engagement Position Statement setting out the Councils initial views on evidence needed, constraints and opportunities in relation to the proposed development, as well as potential mitigation approaches, legacy opportunities and community benefits. This will include a new strategy and policies to guide and manage growth and change in our area over at least the next 15 years. Below are some of the key changes that will influence a new approach. Early discussions on large scale NNB proposals indicated that a further 150ha approximately will be required for construction purposes, plus additional off site associated infrastructure and development. Renewable heat technologies include air, ground or water source heat pumps, micro-heat networks using ground source heat pumps with shared ground arrays, and biomass. It will open in a separate window. These however should be submitted on a Call for Sites form and include a clear map, along with any supporting information. In order to minimise impact, and reduce the risk of unforeseen impacts, advance surveys and assessments of baseline conditions should inform site selection and planning work as well as detailed design. 5. We welcome and value the role that our residents and our partners in health and care, in housing, in education, in the police and emergency services, the private, public and voluntary and community sectors have already played in developing the vision behind this Council Plan and we look forward to working with you over the coming years to deliver our ambitious vision for you and your community. Stroud District Local Plan Review; Pay, report & apply for Council services Pay it; Report it; Apply for it; Press room See all. It does not address the emissions that come from the construction phase of the development or the transport movements generated by a development. In addition, in order for relevant stakeholders, including local communities, to be able to understand how a NSIP is performing over time against all KPIs and relevant measures secured in the DCO and accompanying documents, monitoring against KPIs should be published annually on a project monitoring web site and a paper copy deposited in a suitable local publicly accessible venue. However, given the sensitive location, scale and complexity of the proposed NNB development and its potential for broad ranging negative impacts particularly on local communities, transport infrastructure and the environment, the Council will seek to ensure that: 1. Given the intergenerational timeframes involved with decommissioning, the long timeframes involved in radioactive decay, and any potential hazards associated with low and very low level radioactive materials proposed to be disposed of on site, it will be vital to ensure that mechanisms are put in place to ensure that records are available and signposted to future organisations, land owners, decision makers and regulators, and to inform land use planning into the future. The Council will also explore how a percentage reduction in car parking provision could allow a percentage increase in cycle parking provision, however the details of how this may work are yet to be determined. Proposals should be developed through early and effective engagement including with affected local communities and the Council. Employment rateTo year end March 2020, South Gloucestershire had an employment rate of 83.1%, higher than the sub-regional and national averages (79% and 76.2% respectively). 7. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? As part of this Phase 1 document, we want to get your feedback on whether the range of planning policies we are currently proposing are correct, and if you have any views on the draft policies we are presenting at this time. Minimise cooling demand by reducing internal heat gains e.g. We agree that action on the climate and our environment is a fundamental challenge which must inform and influence all our priorities and commitments.In 2019 we declared a Climate Emergency, pledging to lead the way in moving South Gloucestershire to carbon neutrality by 2030. The neighbourhoods that are within walkable distance of key facilities and services; are adjacent to key public transport hubs including UWE, Cribbs Causeway, Yate shopping centre or within ideal walking distance of rail stations with good services to key destinations, will be considered for reduced minimum car parking provision as the choice of travel options favours non-car travel. Flood riskExtensive areas subject to flood risk. Our priorities are brought to life through a package of 20 commitments. The Core Strategy, which contains the strategic policies for the area, was adopted in 2013. For clarity, the baseline against which residential development will be required to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 100% is total residual energy use, which includes regulated (and unregulated Policy option 2) energy use. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? But we have also drawn on the opportunities that have emerged from the emergency response to the pandemic in looking forward to the new norm; identifying new and better ways to keep residents informed, and working with individuals and groups who have stepped up during this time to help communities play an active role in finding local answers to local issues. Since the disposal of radioactive waste on site is likely to constrain future land uses and activities and result in the need for security/regulation, waste management or disposal proposals should form an integral part of master planning for decommissioning of the site at Oldbury. Analysing the data and liaising with our education providers, we are aware of a cohort of predominantly white children from disadvantaged backgrounds who are behind their peers in their educational attainment. Population 63% of the population live in the urban area, 17% in market towns and 20% in villages and rural areas. Given the perceptions relating to radioactive waste, security requirements and limitations on future use that would be imposed by disposal of low level and very low level waste on site at Oldbury, that would endure for many generations into the future, but without any benefits of employment opportunities on the site, it is appropriate that Community Benefits are secured to offset these impacts. Please refer to the map under Schedule A which outlines indicatively where these zones could be. In order to have sufficient information to be able to assess the complex effects that can arise from NSIPs over the significant number of years of construction and operation, plans for monitoring of the effects of the project should be set out in the Environmental Statement. The Councils evidence shows that on certain sites and types of development much higher standards can be achieved on-site, and this will be encouraged. Impact assessment should also be an iterative process, conducted alongside the development of project proposals so that impact assessment informs both project planning and design. All development proposals must: Information proportionate to the scale of the development proposed must be submitted with any planning application to demonstrate how the proposal addresses climate change mitigation and adaptation. An increasing proportion of the councils funding comes from what we receive from council tax and business rates and so it is natural that our key priorities and commitments are based on what you, our residents and local businesses, have told us is important to you. In order to deliver effective mitigation and/or compensation measures must be commensurate with the scale and impact of the development. Our approaches to strategic growth policies will be informed by the emerging sub-regional Spatial Development Strategy and supporting evidence base. Following the decision of the WECA Mayor to stop all work on the West of England Combined Authority Spatial Development Strategy, the Local Plans for Bath & North East Somerset, Bristol and South Gloucestershire will now provide the strategic planning framework for the West of England Combined Authority area.The issue of housing need will now be addressed through individual Local Plans for each of the Local Councils. Introduction: A great place to live, work and visit, How we will work: People, Place, Partnership, How we will measure performance: What it will look like, improving our resilience to climate change, enabling development of renewable and low carbon energy supplies, protecting and restoring our natural environment and encouraging greater bio-diversity. minimising impact and maximising benefits and legacy throughout the life of this intergenerational project. Such assessments should be comprehensive and address the evolution of the projects impact over key phases of construction, operation, decommissioning and restoration. We have started exploring how we might approach new strategies and policies for growth (set out in section 5: Building a Strategy) but we are very much at the beginning of this process. The Local Plan was adopted at Full Council on 22 July 2015. And in identifying and supporting those most in need and helping people to help themselves, we hope to raise living standards for the most disadvantaged. Such projects are often of a scale and complexity that may have wide ranging effects, both positive and negative, on local communities, the economy and the local area. The plan comprises a number of separate documents: Core Strategy. For residential development with communal off street parking provision, at least 20 per cent of spaces are required to have active charging facilities, and passive provision is required for all remaining spaces; High density and/or large scale residential / mixed use developments are additionally required to facilitate the provision of an electric or ultra-low emission car club, and provide dedicated space for the club with active charging facilities; All non-residential developments (e.g. They can provide a more economical alternative to private car use and enable access to opportunities and flexibility that cannot otherwise be gained. Priority 1 Creating the best start in life for our children and young peoplePriority 2 Identifying and supporting those most in need and helping people to help themselvesPriority 3 Promoting sustainable inclusive communities, infrastructure, and growthPriority 4 Realising the full potential of our people and delivering value for money. Suitable disposal options will also need to be appropriately regulated and controlled and comply with other relevant plans, such as the West of England Joint Waste Core Strategy. It is not proposed that a blanket reduction be applied in these areas as individual sites may be more (or less) suitable to a reduction but instead sets out areas where it is suitable for a reduction in car parking space provision. Council offices. Conservation Area Appraisals, Village Design Statements and The South Gloucestershire Landscape Character Assessment may, where available, in the vicinity of a development, also provide good sources of information that assist in discerning such distinctive local character. A planning designation of Parking zones, for certain urban parts of the authority, to indicate where reduced parking provision may be appropriate, would be progressed as part of this approach. The expectation, based on evidence, is that this policy option will be viable and achievable in the near future for similar costs to those tested for Option 1. Creating sustainable rural villages and settlements, Local Plan 2020 Phase 1 Issues and Approaches. the development is carbon negative) are encouraged and appropriate weight will be given to this. Also, you told us that we need to continue with our long-standing commitment to target support towards those who are most vulnerable, disadvantaged or disconnected from our services by whatever means. Emissions are produced at all phases of the development process, including embodied carbon in the materials used, the construction process, and the operational phase. We are developing a new Local Plan for South Gloucestershire. Developers are encouraged to review South Gloucestershire Councils Planning Performance Agreement Charter (pdf) for further information. Voter ID will be required at South Gloucestershire Council's local elections on May 4 (Image: PA) A row broke out over the Government's 'rushed and ill-conceived' new law . We need new development to achieve net zero carbon from the outset, to help mitigate climate change. However there are also other NNB technologies being developed including Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and nuclear fusion through the Governments Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP). In all developments where provision is made for taxi stopping the taxi spaces are required to include active charging facilities. We then engaged further on these through wider public consultation between May and July 2020.Through the consultation we received support for those initial priorities that had been informed and guided by engagement with local people and other stakeholders. Mitigation primarily means minimising greenhouse gas emissions from the development. In addition to topic by topic assessments, cumulative assessments will be required, including to understand the full range of effects on individual communities, through the preparation of Community Impact Assessments. The need to protect habitats and species associated with the international designations on the estuary, including the seasonal presence of migratory species, may also constrain the timing, phasing and nature of decommissioning related activities and works. Car Parking Standards for both residential and non-residential developments within certain areas are looking to move towards a flexible approach relating to the accessibility of the development location, with the most accessible locations requiring the lowest car parking provision. This will help applicants understand how the policy requirements fit together and what information is necessary to demonstrate how the policies will be satisfied. The design of new development will need to consider ducting and provision for digital infrastructure to ensure it is well integrated into site design and development to allow maintenance and servicing and avoid negative impacts on the quality of places and spaces. Food and Drink Uses: Locational Constraints (including schools), 31. Further evidence, for example, landscape sensitivity assessments, will be gathered and used to help inform decision-making on planning applications that come forward. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? The appropriate level of cycle parking for different types of development is provided in Schedule D. New builds will be expected to meet the standards set out in Schedule D. Conversions will also be expected to meet the standard, unless it can be demonstrated that individual site circumstances/constraints will not allow this. South Gloucestershire New Local Plan We are developing a new Local Plan for South Gloucestershire. Clause 1b requires the residual heat demand of a development to be met through connection to a classified heat network or renewable heat source. THE SOUTH GLOS COUNCIL LOCAL PLAN See RESPONSES TO PLANNING APPLICATIONS Jan 2022 - All Planning Applications will continue to be listed here. Age UK South Gloucestershire is an independent local charity with its own locally elected board of trustees and is part of the Age UK network. Adele Davison, Apprentice Engineer, South Gloucestershire Council. 87% of our primary schools are rated Good or Outstanding. We have an ageing population but recognise that most people as they get older want to remain independent for as long as possible. Select any property or area of the District and find out about planning policies and planning restrictions that affect it. In the longer term land that will be needed for long term site clearance related activity, but in the interim may potentially become available for beneficial temporary uses. Low levels of unemployment in March 2020, 2.6% of the economically active population (16 and over) were unemployed, below the sub-regional (West of England) and national (England) averages (both 3.9%). Education and qualificationsIn 2019, 38.8% of people aged 16-64 living in South Gloucestershire were educated to NVQ level 4 or above (HND, degree, higher degree level qualifications or equivalent), this remains lower than both the sub-regional (West of England) and national (England) averages (45.4% and 40%). The tables link each policy to one of our emerging plan priorities, for example, exceptional spaces and places. Economic health South Gloucestershires Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2018 was 12,865m, ranking us 11th highest GDP of all local authorities in England outside of London. Completion of the current fibre broadband deployment across South Gloucestershire will achieve 99% superfast fibre broadband coverage by 31 March 2021. Given the length of time before decommissioning takes place, and the potential for changes in circumstance and socio economic and environmental circumstance, the Council will expect to see the preferred principles for decommissioning set out along with the firm plans for the construction and operational phases. As Current Environment Agency (EA) guidance (Decommissioning of nuclear sites and release from regulation July 2018) includes for the potential disposal of some Low or Very Low Level Waste (LLW and VLLW) on site, instead of transporting off site for disposal elsewhere. The charity makes a positive contribution to the lives of hundreds of older people in South Gloucestershire every week. We recognise that in the short and medium term at least there will still be a need to ensure that sufficient parking provision if provided for private vehicles, on and off development sites. There are many strands to the inequality challenge and we must work with partners in health and education, with voluntary and community groups and directly with local people to first identify those at greatest need and to then put in place timely and appropriate support, ensuring that mechanisms, guidance and pathways to further education, employment and career progression etc. These would be focussed around designated town centres and transport hubs. This Council Plan is ambitious, particularly given the pressure that has been placed on budgets, the uncertainty in the economy, and the very real impacts for those who have found themselves unemployed or facing six months away from education. This Council Plan maintains our focus on being an efficient and innovative organisation, working closely with our communities and partners to shape and improve the outcomes and prospects for. It can also bring wider environmental and economic benefits, and improve the security of our energy supply. Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) and related development, 12. Renewable and Low Carbon Energy System, 19. However it is not a replacement for the provision of infrastructure to promote other modes of transport such as walking/cycling and public transport services. The Local Plan, when complete, will determine the size and scale of new development across South Gloucestershire (including that in rural settlements and villages), over the next 15 years. They outline the number and types of homes, jobs, services and facilities, as well as infrastructure that will be expected to be developed in South Gloucestershire. Theme: Flood & Flood Risk Management(incl. The map below shows the indicative areas that will require an SGC Accessibility Assessment. Our connectivity (both transport and digital) is a huge attraction to business.