If you need to brake suddenly, the car is likely to collide with yours. Get access to free and research-validated resources for safety leaders who are ready to build an AI-driven safety program. There may be a fire nearby and smoke can cause asphyxiation. In a low gear, gently increase pressure on the accelerator to move the vehicle as far forward as possible, without allowing the wheels to spin. Use a low gear when going downhill. This section summarizes those must-know highway driving techniques and safety practices. Solomon also recommends changing your wipers regularly: a more durable winter blade, a March rain blade, and another August rain blade. Car is trying to enter on our left. one hazard associated with driving downhill is: While the goal must be not to drive in such adverse conditions, you must know how to handle a blizzard and stay safe, should you get caught in one while out in your car. Unfavorable weather and road conditions can create hazards that make driving difficult, and more dangerous. Which of the following is not a risk typically associated with driving in the city? Up- or down-hill driving? As the winter months approach and the days grow shorter, you will often need to compensate for poor visibility and additional hazards. Braking may be your first instinct when your vehicle begins to skid, though steering is the most effective way to correct traction. It is likely that much of the performance data will be reactive,Organisation and structureAll affected by the driving at work policy will need to understand their responsibilities and be equipped to fulfil themLegal responsibilities of individuals on public roadsEven when a vehicle is owned by a company, the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that it is used in a legal and roadworthy condition rests with the individual driver. Forklift Ramp Safety and Ramp Slope Requirements | CertifyMe.net Entering intersection, through green light. In instances like these, fleet and safety managers that use Motives fleet management system would be alerted when aggressive driving events (hard cornering and braking) are triggered. Driving at night is far more difficult and dangerous than driving during the day, primarily because your visibility is dramatically reduced. Flash your hazard lights to warn other drivers. Scanning ahead, looking over the crest of the hill. Driving too fast is one of the most common hazards on the road. All rights reserved. Your ability to remain calm and take appropriate evasive action during such situations could mean the difference between life and death. Look through the corner. Recognized as a Best Remote Large Places to Work. You may also wish to keep a pair of strong sunglasses in your glove compartment for particularly bright days. Media Room, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Q&A on the present and future of crash avoidance technologies, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety information on in-vehicle safety technology. Check them. One hazard associated with driving downhill is: A. To secure a load safely you need to make sure it is: restrained tied firmly down to the load bed; and contained it cant move around (shift) inside the vehicle. What startegies can be put in place for controlling risks related to transport operations in the workplace? As with rain, drivers must stick to their low-beam headlights as high-beams may cause glare and worsen visibility. Gently pumping the brakes may help during front-wheel skids, by shifting weight forward onto the front tires. Pedestrian may step out. If visibility gets too bad, pull over to the side of the road and wait for conditions to improve. He/she will need to regularly check that the lights, indicators, windscreen wipers and washers, tyres and brakes are all in good working order. When you are going down, gravity works against your intent to slow down . It is not only shared between the driver and the company, but with everyone else on the road. The car still may pull out on the left. Driving at Night - National Safety Council The ability to stop a vehicle is probably the most important function of all, and when it fails, its easy for panic to set in. Car indicating to turn left. Pay special attention to speed limit and warning signs, such as those warning of curves, steep hills, or other hazards. Earlier this year, a tragic truck collision in Denver ended up in the deaths of four innocent people and sparked a deeper conversation about fleet safety in the trucking industry. Vehicles often build up speed moving down a steep hill. Vehicles passing that may cross the centre line. For some practical advice on what to do in these situations, we asked Solomon to break down 10 common driving obstacles and the best ways to cope with them. During rear-wheel skids, this will be in the same direction as the skid. If youre struck by another vehicle, theres no place for your car to go. Having a vehicle riding too close to your rear bumper can be a nerve-wracking experience. Do not shift into neutral. Preserve your car's brakes. May help smooth out your drive by adjusting your cars suspension system making it easier to brake and steer. Dealing with the vehicles coming towards us. When you need to decide on a slowdown in case of potential accident, you basically need to annihilate momentum, and when you are going up, gravity contributes to the total work needed to slow down. An experienced commentator points out potential hazards facing drivers and suggests ways that drivers could respond safely. In a collision, your face will slam right into it.. Get your battery load-tested. If it sounds like there might be inclement weather the next day, Solomon tells Mental Floss, set your alarm an hour early. Keeping a pair of sunglasses handy is the best solution, but there are a few other ways to cope. Braking in front of another driver B.) All it takes is a split second for someone to come into your lane without warning. The grip between your tires and the roads surface is called traction. Where such risks exist it may be necessary to install convex (i.e. Improper Maintenance. It will be necessary to segregate vehicles and pedestrians by means of clear markings, signage and, on occasion, physical barriers. A driver follows a three-second sequence to scan and react to a potential hazard: The driver has one . Keep your gas tank at least half-full as fuel may freeze in extremely low temperatures. Check your drivers handbook to find out what the laws regarding snow chains are in your region. Helps keep you at a steady speed when driving down a hill or other decline. You also want to turn the wheel in the direction you want the front of the car to go. Car braking in front. vehicle merging into your lane or stopping suddenly in front of you. Your vehicle will grip the roads surface more effectively when the wheels are rolling. Person getting out behind a car. Youll wind up seeing less, Solomon says. For instance, it is always better to avoid a head-on collision, as it is to collide with a stationary object rather than with one that is moving toward you. Dont pump the pedal: The ABS can pulsate the brakes faster than your foot can. Worn tires and incorrect tire pressure make hydroplaning a risk at lower speeds, so be sure to keep your tires in good condition. One strategy for assessing the validity of the scores generated by a hazard perception test is to determine whether they can predict on-road driving performance. Watching the green light. When ascending on a steep hill, maintain a steady speed by applying more pressure on the accelerator. Motive serves more than 120,000 businesses, across a wide range of industries including trucking and logistics, construction, oil and gas, food and beverage, field service, agriculture, passenger transit, and delivery. You can consider a different route or recommence your journey when conditions have improved. Vehicle turning out on the right. The first time you spray it on, youll get a crusty, filmy look, which is all the wax youre dissolving., If your windshield is clean but the rain is still obscuring your vision, then youre probably driving too fast for the wipers to clean the glass efficiently. A hazard can be any possible source of danger on or near the road that could lead to a crash, and it can come from any direction. An unsecured load can shift inside the trailer and is more difficult to unload. Parked cars, people may step out, their vision is obscured. If traffic is high or the road is narrow, go through the passengers side door. You dont want an animal that large smashing through your windshield. Stick to low-beam headlights in built-up areas and when you are in close proximity to other drivers. Crest of the hill, looking down the hill. You must understand how to manage theses challenges and drive safely during wet and rainy conditions. Governors Highway Safety Association publishes a list of states that have distracted driving laws, as well as information about the dangers of cell phone usage while driving.Details regarding individual state laws have been summarized by the Governors Highway Safety Association.These summaries and lists are updated often, so be sure to double check to make sure you have the most current . Always read the road ahead. Always pay attention to the speed limit. You want to deprive the car of forward motion, Solomon says. Steering and counter-steering should be done three to five times while braking. Keep doing it until you feel the wheels grip the pavement. This feature works with your vehicles existing braking systems to block you from going past a certain speed while traveling downhill or on unsteady terrain. ), This newly legislated training is designed to decrease the number of truck-related collisions by increasing and standardizing the training new drivers receive. Hydroplaning or Skidding Out of Control Skidding or sliding of cars occurs when there is a lack of friction between tire and road. Vehicle suddenly turning across oncoming traffic. Downhill driving can be unpredictable and dangerous especially if its an extended decent, even on multi-lane roads. Look for people. Scanning both sides of the road. Cars approaching. Turn on your headlights, activate fog lights, activate your windscreen wipers and reduce speed. Road on the left. Computer-based hazard perception tests are used in a number of countries as part of the driver licensing processes, and hence evaluating the validity of such tests is crucial. Six inches of water can cause loss of control, 12 inches will float most vehicles and two feet will float pick-up trucks and SUVs. Learn more about the Motive fleet safety solution. Car stopped in front. Vehicle waiting to turn across our path. The majority of truck collisions are not the fault of the truck driver. parked car door opening. Distracted Driving as a Hazard in your Job Safety Analysis A National Sleep Foundation poll says 60% of adults have driven while they were tired, and another 37%, or 103 million people, have fallen asleep at the wheel. Check the vehicle temperature gauge regularly and pull over if there is a chance your engine may overheat. When vehicles meet on a steep, narrow road which is not wide enough for two vehicles, the vehicle going downhill must yield the right-of-way by backing up to a wider place or by stopping to leave sufficient space for the vehicle going uphill, except where it is more practical for the vehicle going uphill to return to a wider space or turnout. ; Actually HAVE brakes at the end of the hill! Looking through the rear window. Motorcyclist arriving, pulling out. Car entering our lane. Bright sunlight can impair your vision and even cause temporary blindness. Pedestrian walking down the road on our left. When driving on mountain roads, your most important considerations are: Vehicle condition: your brakes, steering, suspension, and cooling systems must be in good condition. Car turning left. Again many cars parked. Computer-based hazard perception test scores are associated with the Car turning on our left. Fueling. Get to the side of the road immediately and exit the car. Freeing your car from deep mud or snow takes patience. Using your brakes continually for an extended period of time may result in overheating, which could result in brake failure. Vehicle may be turning opposite directions in front of us. Drivers are most at risk of sun glare in the mornings and late afternoons, when the sun sits low in the sky. Going over the crest of a hill. Due to the force of gravity, a car travelling downhill: May accelerate on its own if not controlled properly. Pedestrian on our right. Never leave children or animals in a car unattended on a hot day. Person waiting at a bus stop. Water collecting in pools on the road is dangerous, though thankfully, relatively easy to spot. Drivers should avoid passing, crossing or merging with other lanes of traffic in foggy conditions, as limited visibility may lead you to misjudge another vehicles distance and speed. What It Does: Steady the cars speed when driving down a hill. (Note: The FMCSA may delay implementation until 2022. Approaching vehicles. Scanning the road well ahead. going over slippery surfaces (such as oil or grease patches); carrying loads at a dangerous height (e.g. Looking at the parked cars on the left. Chad discusses driving issues truKkers face on some U.S. highways where hard braking and cornering triggers a warning on the ELD. Keep snow chains in your trunk. The hill descent assist will ensure your vehicle doesnt reach an unsafe declining speed by further applying the brakes if needed. If you honk, flash your lights, or make an insulting hand gesture, you run the risk of antagonizing someone who is already behaving irrationally. Parked car on our right. Dont let a traffic ticket affect your driving record or insurance rates. If the brakes become too hot, they may start to fade. Tell your friends and family (using #MyCarDoesWhat on Facebook and Twitter). Car crossing ahead. While some ice is noticeable, black icewhich occurs when ice has thawed and re-frozencan be hard to spot. Helps prevent roll-back when starting up again from a stopped position on an incline. The problem is when people pull it down and the edge is pointed at your nose. If you are going too fast, it is often too late to downshift. Watching on both sides. May be a conflict here. Traffic lights. Oversteering often happens when the driver takes a bend or lane-change too quickly, when the surface of the road is slippery. Vehicle Movement Hazards and Control Measures - Occupational Health and