Producer Hiroaki Iwano, who has worked on the Kaku San Sei Million Arthur mobile game franchise, has officially left Square Enix as of the end of March. He made the announcement during the series’ seventh anniversary commemorative livestream.
Iwano stated during the livestream that he has not been involved with the series’ development for some time now and that his departure will not affect the future of the franchise. After the stream, he released another statement on his Twitter account, thanking fans for the support.
新たな環境になってもエンタメ作り続けていくので、引き続きご一緒できると嬉しいです!!— 岩野弘明 (@Iwano_Hiroaki) April 6, 2019
The tweet roughly translates to “I will continue to create entertainment even in a new environment, so I’m happy you’re all along for the ride!”
Recently Hideo Baba, the president of Square Enix’s Studio Istolia and director of Project Prelude Rune, departed from the publishing company around the same time. While it seems that they might have left for the same reasons, it’s important to note that in most large Japanese companies it’s normal for worker to be hired or leave at the start of April. This is due to the fact that April is the start of the new fiscal year in Japan. So it would be extremely unlikely for Iwano and Baba to conspire to leave together because of shared issues with the company.
Kaku San Sei Million Arthur is one of the most successful mobile card game franchises for Square Enix since its launch in 2012. Since then the franchise has received multiple anime and game adaptations, as well as a fighting game spinoff, Million Arthur: Arcana Blood. The original Million Arthur Japanese servers closed down in March 2015 due to the launch of the sequel, Kai ri Sei Million Arthur, in November 2014.
The previously released spinoff title Million Arthur: Arcana Blood has been announced for a Western release through Steam this summer.
The post Million Arthur Mobile Series Producer Hiroaki Iwano Leaves Square Enix by Allisa James appeared first on DualShockers.