Midgar Studio and Playdius will be releasing their Jet Set Radio inspired title Hover on PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch in under two weeks, so they developers decided to reveal that the game has cross-play functionality.
While the entirely of Hover can be played in single-player, the also allows players to parkour around Hover City and rebel against The Great Admin together. The game also features competitive multiplayer modes like races and scoring battles so friends can test their skills against each other.
Cross-play will be enabled when the PS4 version launches on September 16, as PS4 and PC players will be able to play together. While PS4 players won’t be able to cross-play with other consoles (a recurring theme recently), Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC players can all interact with each other. For a smaller indie game with a large online component, cross-play is a smart feature to keep the community alive.
Jeremy Zeler, Head of Midgar Studio, discussed why the developers decided to implement cross-play in Hover:
“We initially implemented the cross-platform multiplayer to guarantee a certain number of players online at any given time. We also consider the online gaming as a whole and we did our best to lower the barriers down in between the consoles within the limits of our power.“
Hover is currently available for PC, and will launch for PS4 on September 18, Xbox One on September 19, and Nintendo Switch on Sepetmber 20. The game will cost $24.99 across all platfroms.