Final Fantasy 7 Remake Demo Reportedly Launches the Same Day as the Full Game

FFVII, Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Final Fantasy 7 Remake Demo, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Final Fantasy VII Remake Demo, final-fantasy-vii, News, Originals, Platforms, PS4, Square Enix

If you wanted to try out the Final Fantasy 7 Remake Demo before the game itself to satiate some of your hype, it seems like you’ll have to deal with the hunger until March 3. According to our fellow journalists at Gamespot, Square Enix will launch Final Fantasy 7 Remake Demo on the PSN the same day as the full game, on March 3, 2020.

Square Enix’s strategy isn’t to give anyone a taste of the game before release but to let anyone try out the game’s first minutes for free when the hype will be maximal on release day. The day of reckoning, when every streamer and their cat will be on the game. This will push as many around the world as possible to buy the game at launch if they weren’t interested yet.

As you already know, the demo is technically already out on YouTube, as the intro and later on a whole playthrough of it leaked. More details have leaked about the game overall so you should be careful if you’re wary of spoilers.

Final Fantasy VII is one of the most beloved games ever and the first part of the Remake is highly anticipated all around the world. While the first part of the Remake will focus on the events in Midgar depicted in the original, the Remake is completely different from the Midgar part in the original, which didn’t last more than 6 hours or so. While no official confirmation was shared by Square Enix,  I personally believe some story elements happening after Midgar in the original game will happen in Midgar in the first part of the Remake. Part 2 is obviously already in development at Square Enix., and back at E3 2019, they weren’t sure yet if Part 2 would end the Remake or if we’ll have a Part 3.

You can check out the latest trailer and gameplay here and here and read more details about some of the new elements in the game.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a timed PS4 exclusive for a year, meaning starting March 2021, ports should get announced. The game will definitely come to PC at some point, and probably end up on PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X too.

As a side note, multiple guest artists recently did awesome illustrations of various Final Fantasy characters.

The post Final Fantasy 7 Remake Demo Reportedly Launches the Same Day as the Full Game by Iyane Agossah appeared first on DualShockers.

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