Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot’s Latest Trailer Delves into Soul Emblems and Community Boards

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Recently we learned about character progression in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. This latest trailer from Bandai Namco gives us an in-depth look into Soul Emblems, which are objects that can be collected in the main game. These items can then be used to power up characters by giving them access to skills. Soul Emblems are divided into friendship and proficiency.

By setting them up on a community board you can gain these abilities such as stat bonuses, special abilities, etc. Community boards are given to the player by various characters in the game and each one governs different categories of abilities.

For example the Z Warrior Community Leader Emblem from Goku grants increases to support gauge and attack among other offensive effect. Then there’s Chichi’s Cooking Community, which boosts stats in general and is crucial for your characters’ growth.

You can check out said trailer just below:


Plenty of other trailers released for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot including a general overview trailer of some of its main features. According to it, Kakarot is an RPG in which your actions contribute to making your character stronger such as eating, completing quests, raising your friendship levels with side characters, training and fighting. There’s the training system, which is organized by battles of various difficulties. Clearing these training battles makes you unlock new ultimate moves, like Vegeta’s Final Flash.

There’s also Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot‘s opening cinematic, which is as awesome as you’d think it is, and even a really creative trailer done in the style of an episode preview. Finally, according to recent review of the game from Famitsu magazine, Kakarot will take around 40 hours to complete.

We also learned you can actually revive Freiza and Cell after defeating them to do their sidequests and get their Soul Emblems too. One of the previous gameplay videos featured Gohan Vs Cell. We also got another gameplay video showing Majin Vegeta and yet another general gameplay trailer here.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot will be launching on January 17th for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. If you’re interested in the game, you can preorder it on Amazon.

The post Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot’s Latest Trailer Delves into Soul Emblems and Community Boards by Allisa James appeared first on DualShockers.

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