Since the series debuted in 2014, Stoic Studio’s The Banner Saga series has presented players with making tough decisions under tougher circumstances. While the series is set to come to a conclusion next month with the upcoming release of The Banner Saga 3, Stoic Studio has said that it does seem to have interest in going back to the series sometime down the line to dig into its history and setting more deeply.
Speaking in an interview with DualShockers, Stoic Studio lead designer Matt Rhoades gave us a bit more insight into what to expect not only from the conclusion of the studio’s strategy-RPG series with The Banner Saga 3 next month, but also the potential of seeing the series’ world expanded upon in other ways.
When asked about the prospects of seeing other stories set in The Banner Saga universe — whether it’s in spin-off games or other outside mediums — Rhoades explained that the studio has talked about returning to the series in some fashion. Specifically, Rhoades said that the studio has explored DLC as a potential option and that the studio has “definitely talked about wanting to revisit the world,” as the games have had “a lot of world-building” and cited the game’s “very deep history of the world” as a motivation to explore its setting in other ways.
While Rhoades said that the studio doesn’t have anything specific to announce at this time regarding other games set in the series’ world (or other projects, for that matter), he did state that Stoic overall is “very keen to keep The Banner Saga flame alive and to find other ways to keep telling stories in that world over time,” whether that is in new games or other media.
The Banner Saga 3 will release for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, Mac, iOS, and Android on July 26th, 2018. For more on the game, stay tuned for our upcoming preview and our full interview with Stoic Studio’s lead designer Matt Rhoades and producer Zeb West.