Chiefs Quarterback Patrick Mahomes Killed by Another Player in Fortnite Wearing His Own Jersey

Android, Epic Games, fortnite, iOS, Mac, News, Originals, Patrick Mahomes, PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One

Last week, Fortnite and the NFL crossed over in a new event that found officially licensed jerseys making their way into the battle royale shooter. While the crossover has turned out to be problematic in more ways than one, for one NFL star, it has created a very personal issue.

Kansas City Chiefs quarterback, and early MVP frontrunner, Patrick Mahomes recently took to Twitter to talk about his own experience with this new NFL and Fortnite clash and found it to be an odd one. Mahomes said on Twitter that after booting up Fortnite for the first time in a while, he found himself killed….by another player wearing his own jersey.

Athletes and Fortnite have been in the news a lot over the past year with many teams banning the game entirely from being played in their locker room, but this instance with Mahomes is definitely a story unlike all of the rest. While I imagine Mahomes won’t be losing any sleep over what transpired, I imagine that it does have to be really, really weird to be killed in a video game by someone wearing your own gear. Then again, to be famous enough in the first place that someone is repping your jersey, to begin with, is pretty cool. I’ll never be famous enough to have this experience for myself, so I doubt I’ll be able to report my own version of this situation anytime soon.

Unfortunately, the NFL skins in Fortnite have already been removed from the game and likely won’t be returning anytime soon, if ever. Hopefully, you got the most out of this event for the less than a week that it lasted.

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