Check Out 15 Minutes of New Trials Rising Gameplay Footage

News, Originals, PC, PS4, Switch, Trials Rising, Xbox One

Ubisoft announced the official release date for Trials Rising earlier this morning but now, we have a lengthy new gameplay session for you to view.

At a recent Ubisoft pre-Gamescom event, I was able to check out the newest build of Trials Rising and test out a handful of the many levels that it offers. All in all, it’s more Trials like you’d expect, but the levels seem to be much more insane than normal and make for a ton of fun.

Normally I tend to suck in gameplay videos like this, but I actually think I did pretty well all things considered. My second run in this video was one of the best times out of anyone at the event the day that I attended, so in your face to all of my peers in the industry. As for my other runs, well, they’re fine but I could have done better.

Check out my runs in Trials Rising below and don’t you dare shame me in the comments. Trials Rising is now slated to release on February 12 for Xbox One, PS4, Switch, and PC. If you’re interested in pre-ordering the game, you can do that over on Amazon right now.

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