Back in 1987, three years before the first Fire Emblem game, a Japanese company named Masaya launched Ethlead Senshi, a tactical RPG for Japanese PCs. The game had all the basics found in every tactical RPG nowadays such as stats, skills, and different classes of units including those of the flying and naval variety. A
Langrisser I&II
Earlier this year, PS4 and Nintendo Switch remakes of Langrisser I & II released in Japan. In July, we learned that Chara-ani Corporation was bringing the remake package westward in 2020 with the help of NIS America. Today, the publisher not only released a new trailer comparing the original graphics to the remade ones but
Chara-ani and Extreme published a new trailer for Langrisser I&II, showing Langrisser I‘s main characters Ledin and Chris, Langrisser II‘s Elwin and Liana and a bit of gameplay. A demo for Langrisser I&II is also currently available. The demo lets you play stage 1 to 3 in Langrisser I, and stages 4 to 6 in Langrisser II.
Masaya Games, Extreme, and Chara-ani Corporation announced today on Langrisser I&II‘s official site that the game is getting delayed. Initially scheduled to release in Japan on February 7, it will now launch on April 18, 2019. The game was delayed in order to “further improve its quality”. However, to allow players to have an early taste,