Back in 1987, three years before the first Fire Emblem game, a Japanese company named Masaya launched Ethlead Senshi, a tactical RPG for Japanese PCs. The game had all the basics found in every tactical RPG nowadays such as stats, skills, and different classes of units including those of the flying and naval variety. A
Langrisser I & II
Earlier this year, PS4 and Nintendo Switch remakes of Langrisser I & II released in Japan. In July, we learned that Chara-ani Corporation was bringing the remake package westward in 2020 with the help of NIS America. Today, the publisher not only released a new trailer comparing the original graphics to the remade ones but
Following the game’s Closed Beta Test in November 2018, Chinese company Zlongame announced that the English international version of Langrisser Mobile will launch on January 22 for iOS and Android. Pre-registrations for the game are currently open on the official site. Langrisser Mobile first released on the Chinese mobile market on August 2018. The game is
Today CharaAni Games released the first trailer of the upcoming Langrisser I & II remake that was revealed a few days ago for PS4 and Nintendo Switch. The trailer focuses on the main cast of the two games, including the new character design and the newly-remade visuals that will enrich the traditional strategy RPGs. You
Today CharaAni Games hosted an event in Tokyo, presenting some interesting news about the upcoming Langrisser I & II pair of remakes announced a few days ago. The gist of the event was mentioned on Twitter, alongside some lovely images. First of all, we get a release date. The remasters are going to be released
I’m literally tearing up as I write this article. The Langrisser series is one of my favorite of all time, and the tease from a few days ago finally evolved into a reveal. Some thought that it could be about the usual mobile game, but it is not. It’s a full remake for PS4 and Nintendo Switch. If