In 2018, Blue Isle Studios introduced a game mode called Broomstick League to its popular standalone game Citadel: Forged with Fire. The mode saw 10 players on broomsticks, zooming around an arena trying to score goals with a singular ball. The mode obviously drew in a good deal of fans, as 2020 has seen a
Blue Isle Studios
If you’re a fan of Citadel: Forged With Fire and you want to keep the steady flow of content the game’s been getting going, then it’s your lucky day. Today, developer Blue Isle Studios announced the addition of daily quests to the game, something that fans have been asking for a long time, but it’s not as
What can out-ridiculize Rocket League’s rocket-powered soccer gameplay? How about a game that uses similar mechanics to bring Harry Potter‘s Quidditch to consoles. That’s exactly what developer Blue Isle Studios hopes to accomplish with their spin-off game mode Broomstick Leauge that is taking over Citadel: Forged with Fire. What exactly is the Broomstick League? According to Blue Isle, the games are up
Ever since the early access version of the game released back in July, developer Blue Isle Studios has been steadily releasing content for the game on an, almost, weekly basis, in the form of new structure sets, costumes, and more. Now, however, it seems like the developer finally kicking new content additions into overdrive, as