When new Call of Duty DLC becomes available, you normally have to pay $15.00 for four multiplayer maps and one Zombies mode map, even though there have been fans that have only wanted the latter. Now, developer Treyarch is giving players more options, and have announced that as of today, you can now purchase only the zombies maps from their last game Call of Duty: Black Ops III.
The maps available include Der Eisendrache, Zetsubo No Shima, Gorod Krovi, and Revelations from the map packs Awakening, Eclipse, Decent, and Salvation respectively. Of course, each map will still cost players a pretty penny, coming in at $7.99 a pop.
In addition to each map, players will also receive five vials of Liquid Divinium with each purchase, which are the Zombies mode’s in-game currency, allowing players to make new, more enhanced Gobblegum.
Players are able to download each map right now on both the PlayStation Store and Microsoft store. Treyarch says that the maps will go live for PC sometime in the near future, although no specific release date was announced.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III was released back in 2015 and is available on all the aforementioned platforms.