Ever Oasis, a new 3DS exclusive title from the director of Secret of Mana, Koichi Ishii, has gotten a launch trailer prior to its release tomorrow. For those who don’t know, Ever Oasis was announced last year during Nintendo’s Treehouse Live event, and is a unique mix between a city management game like Animal Crossing and a 3D action adventure game like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
The city building and management comes into play with the main customizable character Tethu taking care of his Oasis with the water spirit Esna. The progress in the game’s story and garner items to restock Bloom Booths in the Oasis, players must venture out into the desert with up to two allies; that is where the 3D action adventure gameplay comes into relevance. Players can explore the world and collect items for there oasis in addition to being able to explore multiple dungeons scattered across the world.
Its release date was revealed during a Nintendo Direct back in April. The game also recently received an overview trailer that delves into all of the game’s mechanics, alongside some new character details from Koichi Ishii.
You can watch the trailer below. Ever Oasis will release on 3DS June 23.