Today Kadokawa Games introduced the first gameplay of The Lost Child, the new game by Takeyasu Sawaki, who is well known for El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron.
The videos (courtesy of a livestream hosted by the magazine Dengeki PlayStation) introduce dialogue scenes with the characters, including protagonist Hayato Ibuki, the angel Parcia and more. We also see the demon device Gangaur, with which Hayato can capture his astral enemies and bend them to his service. The game definitely comes with some strong Shin Megami Tensei vibes.
While The Lost Child is set in the real world, it’s deeply connected to El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron. In fact, in the four video we can see the return of protagonist Enoch as an Astral that will support the protagonist.
The Lost Child will be released in Japan for PS4 and PS Vita on August 24th, and since it’s Kadokawa Games, there are good changes for a localization, even if nothing has been announced as of yet.
You can check out the videos below, and if you want to see more, you can enjoy the first trailer, the second trailer, the first screenshots showing the return of Enoch, and another batch.