Steam Platform Rival Robot Cache Enters Early Access This October, Signups Available Now

News, Originals, PC, Platforms, Robot Cache

Robot Cache, a decentralized game platform and new Steam competitor, announced that it will start its early access period this October.  With promised support from some studios such as THQ Nordic and 505 Games, the new PC video game distribution platform hopes to help developers make more money made off of game sales and gamers the ability to resell their digital games.

Everyone who signs up for the Early Access will be enrolled in the Robot Cache Founders’ Club for life. The exclusive club will give members unique rewards and different offers from the platform, publishers, and developers. Members will also receive a special badge that can be displayed on their profile. To get into the club, gamers must sign-up between now and the unannounced end of the early access period.

At Gamescom, Robot Cache will also be giving out pins at its booth that can be redeemed on the platform and used toward the purchase of a game.

The new PC game distribution platform believes it will reduce the number of fees publishers and developers pay by 80% as well as retain up to 95% of the proceeds from each sale. On top of that, Robot Cache will have a digital resale market that will give developers and publishers the opportunity to set resale pricing and earn 70% of the resale proceeds.

Robot Cache will provide gamers the chance to resell their digital games from the platform and retain up to 25% of the proceeds from the resale. Gamers will receive digital tokens, named Iron, which can then be used to buy other games on the market. In other words, think of it like a digital GameStop that runs exclusively on store credit.

One thing to keep note of: the 25% will not be reflective on the game’s price, but on a used price that is determined by the company. In a statement to PC Gamer a Robot Cache representative explained it:

A Robot Cache rep clarified that the 25 percent in Iron tokens earned through the resale of preowned games is based on the current price of a preowned copy on the platform, which is set by the developer or publisher. So if a “new” copy of a game goes for $40, and a preowned copy is $30, reselling will earn a minimum 25 percent of $30. Developers and publishers can opt to give resellers a higher percentage, however.

Additionally, cryptocurrency is being rolled into the business plan. Users of the platform will be able to opt-in within the Robot Cache client to mine for Iron that can be used to get free games.

It seems to me that Robot Cache has made all the right moves to become a competitive PC storefront to rival Steam. While Steam has begun taking their business in some different directions with game development as well as a Twitch competitor, this new platform might be able to give gamers and developers better opportunities.

As mentioned above, Robot Cache is set to launch in early access this October, with the signup link available via the platform’s dedicated site.

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