Friday the 13th: The Game fans unite! Spring break in 1984 is coming soon and your favorite camp counselors are swimsuit-ready.
Yes, swimsuits. Revealed during PAX West today, was a hilarious trailer (seen below) showing the characters dressed in their Spring Break 1984 best. The trailer showcases the crew’s new clothing pack of swimsuits.
The Spring Break 1984 trailer starts out with the counselors dancing and jumping around a bonfire at good ol’ Camp Crystal Lake to a perfect synth-wave song. Tiffany and all the girls are dolled up and we catch a glimpse of each of their swimsuits along with the guys too. Especially, Chad.
The trailer does a great job in making you feel as if everything is going to be alright, we think? Out comes Chad who walks across to the beach to join everyone in nothing but a tiger print speedo, he flexes and then a few seconds later takes a machete to the face by our beloved Jason. End scene.
Friday the 13th: The Game Spring Break 1984 clothing pack will be available soon but in the mean time, the pack already has a price on the website of $3.99 for a limited time at 50% off price $1.99.
Check out the trailer below, it’s worth a gander but of course it takes a dark turn.